Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the foreword says , the Code is most importantly addressed to each local authority .
2 At the same time , his account of society has been one of the most bitterly contested of all social theories , for it is not only a sociological theory , but also a philosophy of man and a programme for revolutionary change in society .
3 In Scotland these include a special campaign to make the carrying of knives an offence ; the use of bullet-proof video cameras as a method of town centre surveillance ; and , most widely applied of all , a curb on late-night licences .
4 In this respect , the narrative of group 2 is appropriate , as their choices are most widely shared by other groups .
5 Frankfurters are the most widely known of all the scalded sausages , and many other varieties such as Bockwurst , Knackwurst and Weinerwurst are really the same thing but in different sizes .
6 The most widely spoken of these is Mandarin with about 800m speakers .
7 1968 ) has become one of the best known and most widely used of all language tests .
8 In the UK a study in 1970 found that people were twice as likely to continue with coitus interruptus than with the diaphragm and in 1974 the International Planned Parenthood Federation declared that this time-honoured method ‘ probably remains the most widely used of all on a global scale ’ .
9 It was usually taken , particularly when combined as it often was with the adjective " extraordinary " , as indicating a status superior to that of the resident : it became rapidly in many states during the later seventeenth century the most widely used of all diplomatic titles .
10 There are several drugs available which are highly effective at eliminating trichomonas from both sexes , and metronidazole is both the earliest and most widely used of these .
11 The most widely used of these tests have been described in a review by Bloomfield .
12 Interviewing is the subjective technique which is most widely used in higher education .
13 The most widely acclaimed of these has been John Rawls 's A Theory of Justice , which was published in 1971 and rapidly assumed the status of a contemporary classic .
14 At the time of the First World War the Shorthorn was described as the most widely distributed of all the breeds of cattle , both at home and abroad , and it far exceeded other purebreds in Britain while the great majority of commercial crossbreds also relied on Shorthorn blood .
15 One of the long-nosed Chaetodons , its range includes the Red Sea , Australia and Hawaii — making it one of the most widely distributed of all butterflyfish .
16 The most widely publicized of these consequences involved the accumulation of DDT and other organo-chlorides in the food chain .
17 The Provence seems to have been Miller 's favourite type of rose ; he frequently stressed its outstanding fragrance , an important consideration in the flower garden , and said that by the mid-eighteenth century it had become the most widely propagated of any kind .
18 For instance , careers information is a very important part of a secondary school , and the work of the careers teacher or team requires publicity , time and space ; but where is the material most effectively displayed for regular consultation by students themselves , where is the careers interviewing most advantageously sited , and what proportion of the school term or year is spent on it ?
19 At worst , this is quite simply being ignored : neither the LEA adviser , nor the head nor any one else asks about special interests and skills developed on the course and how these could be most effectively put to good use in the school .
20 Trypanosoma brucei is one of the most intensively studied of this group .
21 the fact that Freud linked the two things together , the very title of the book shows the evil th that group psychology and ego psychology were intimately intimately connected with one another and er the central idea was that as Dean rightly says is that in a group the leader or the leading principal , and it does n't always have to be a person , although usually a person plays , kind of represents the , the er the leader in the way that the Pope represents Christ for example , you know Christ ca n't be here right now , he 's doing other things elsewhere I presume .
22 Suspected causes of the 1960 depletion range from nuclear bomb testing , the low flux of particles from the Sun , emissions from the volcano Agung , and the fact that the ozone is most badly depleted in alternate years .
23 As a mineral , corundum has proved its value to man partly as an abrasive , which allowed it to play a key role in the shaping of jade , and partly because it has contributed two of the most keenly sought after transparent coloured gems , sapphire and ruby .
24 The cognitive factors which are significantly related to sign performance in hearing signers are reasoning , cloze and embedded figures , with the last one being most highly related to sign-to-English translation .
25 The 88000 Slater described as the most highly integrated of early RISC implementations with a very clean architecture and no major warts , except perhaps the combined integer-floating point register file .
26 Of these animals , water-pigs are those most highly charged with mystical power ; they wallow in water , which the Lele believe to be the place of spirits , so the association is plain .
27 The publication in July 1990 of the half-yearly figures for industrial production indicated a lack of improvement in the overall state of the economy — one of the most highly centralized in Eastern Europe under Ceausescu .
28 Very often the jobs in TNC factories are among the best paid and most highly valued in developing countries .
29 The organic substance most highly valued in recent times , pearls , will be treated more effectively alongside precious stones in Chapter 5 .
30 The variables which are most highly correlated with estimated risk are the subjective risk rating given at the same time ( r=0.512 ) and average traffic flow as recorded by Cambridgeshire County Council ( r=0.398 , see Appendix 1 ) .
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