Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [vb base] [that] [det] " in BNC.

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1 did that right I think that that 's a good point to remember when you 're training somebody .
2 Personally I think that any manufacturer who sells a model without a hard disk is guilty of misleading the purchasing public .
3 So I fear that some doubt may be placed in the minds of hon. Members about the cause of the shooting that resulted in the death of the young man that the right hon. Gentleman referred to .
4 So I hope that that lie will never be preached again .
5 So I mean that that 's two ways of looking at it .
6 There is one other point , although erm you know , it 's good that they are in the er areas which the tenants er , live so it 's er not very difficult for tenants to come and see their councillors but er er , there is a difficulty at times when er the er air the housing manager has to ring around to get the er members , who are able to sit on that panel and sometimes that is difficult because we have just three members and sometimes they ca n't all fit in the , whereas when you have a larger group if one member ca n't attend , there 's invariably sufficient there to be able to come to a decision so I think that that 's on the other side of the balance sheet .
7 So I think that that 's , that that 's absolutely true .
8 So I think that that 's an important point , because I do believe that weight is placed by the government on S S A.
9 So I think that that
10 Erm in Plato talks about the , the weaving together of forms and it says erm er it 's it 's er through the weaving together of forms that reason arises in us and but then again this is the level of as well so I think that this is the , the origin of this notion that all the forms are in each , they 're all woven together somehow .
11 so I do that that way when I 'm doing it to practice .
12 So we 're going to do this exercise within this room and we 'll need to rearrange the tables , so I suggest that each group as having one table or two tables , put it in a square to work around .
13 Suddenly you know that this is the man who brought a new horror to rock .
14 But what if you 're there , trail-blazing in the business world or on track for great success in one of the professions , and suddenly you realise that this path is not the one you want to take after all ?
15 Perhaps you think that some of the more important people present will think your speech is not good enough .
16 So you think that that 's the most prominent er positions
17 So you think that this twenty five per cent was fat on the bone and was n't needed before ?
18 It seemed to me that they assumed and air of could n't care less you know that that was their attitude after nationalization .
19 So we see that all the problems of correlation are just as real in recent history as they are in the stratigraphical record , once we have lost the advantage of the date at the top of the newspaper or letter .
20 But nevertheless I think that these colleagues , if they look carefully at the fundamentals of their own assumptions , will find that they are begging just as many questions as I am .
21 Erm , just picking little bits , I mean er , we when we say actually what it is erm , annual report do we say the annual report to parents , or is it annual report just I know that that 's minor but at the actual top what do we actually call the thing that we 're presenting ?
22 May I just I think that this has all party support , erm , the actual scheme was produced , erm , f and if the Government is a signatory to that , erm , unfortunately the signatory to it was the environmen , environmen , environment minister Tim Yeo , who has now departed but
23 I think generally we think that that that it would refer to er to all three .
24 Nevertheless we recognise that many aspects of the potential impact — both threats and opportunities — may become apparent to others , employers and providers in particular , before SCOTVEC .
25 The more I think on it the more I see that this cruel sentence may yet be turned to advantage and may be God 's way of effecting what I most desire and have been unable to bring about .
26 So you 're not going to get that like I mean that that was a one in a million shot , finding
27 It does though I know that that programme that 's all being recorded there 's a funny atmosphere .
28 Though I think that that will be happening in the next cycle .
29 oh , any thing at all , just looking at cars and getting the design right so you cut down on accidents , really I think that this has n't been looked at because its male dominated
30 Often I think that this is how we shall witness the end of the world .
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