Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [vb past] [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually I checked out other guitar ads in the October issue .
2 Because , you know , I 'd never been skiing before , so I went out all togged up , with like , my tights sort of , like , you know , thermal tights and you know , pair of track suits , sort of bottoms , plus plastic overtop and then I had like , sort of thermal top on , plus the that 's a sort of like , T-shirt , plus the polo-neck plus a jumper , plus a sort of like erm , a sort of sheepskin waistcoat and , and jacket and then this plastic thing over the top .
3 And so I went back two months after .
4 So I lent out some of his books , and they straight away came back and said , ‘ He 's not Irish , he 's Scottish . ’
5 So I brought about twenty-two earthquakes
6 So I phoned around various contacts to see what it would cost me to have a tank made up by the ‘ local chap that most enthusiasts and many dealers tend to have tucked away somewhere .
7 Only she looked up first into his eyes , and again saw that his eyes were gentle .
8 So she came out last night cos she was away well I left after it
9 So we picked up one of the little floaters provided at the port , and went exploring .
10 So they fitted up one of their own liners , The Atlas , for the accommodation of blacklegs .
11 So they packed up some pears and pineapples — set off well before the light hours
12 So they switched off one side of their brains in order to purge fatigue poisons from their systems while the other cerebral hemisphere remained alert for intruders …
13 Together they laid down strict rules to keep the vital traffic moving .
14 More crucially it ran along political lines , i.e. in general it was applied by Labour-controlled local authorities only .
15 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
16 So he set off one day with Moira , as she spoke French , and they stayed in Geneva until they had organized the shop .
17 Yet he was such a skilful flyer that to an American of the Lafayette Squadron it seemed as if a plane obeyed his thoughts rather than the controls , and at Verdun alone he shot down six German aircraft and a balloon .
18 Thus I stripped out all Wavebreaker 's unnecessary furniture and equipment , and I installed extra fresh-water tanks and fuel bunkers .
19 Finally they took on one opponent too many , receiving a resounding defeat at the hands of the Mamluks at Ain Jallud in 1260 .
20 ON reporting to Chantilly on the morning of February 25th , Pétain and Serrigny found that ‘ the panic was at its peak ’ The fall of Verdun was expected momentarily , ‘ and everybody was saying that General Herr should be shot ’ Somehow it leaked out that Pétain had come from Paris , not Noailles , and the word was quickly passed round by those veterans of intrigue that he had first been to see the Minister of War , Galliéni , the implacable foe of G.Q.G. Doubtless the rumour helped augment the alarm in the air .
21 Presumably you checked out this Abdullah Hayira character before you did business with him ? ’
22 Altogether she followed up 345 white American children who had been referred to the child guidance clinic for anti-social behaviour , 130 other referrals and 100 individuals who had attended neighbouring elementary schools who had not been referred for any specialist help , and who therefore provided a comparison group .
23 The more he thought about that summer the pleasanter it seemed .
24 I 'm not saying that you know would successfully we drove back millions of people supporting us that would never support us if you go into one particular matter alone or one particular hospital closure alone .
25 Four months later they filled in further questionnaires .
26 Later he put out some work to one of the five , but the journeymen returned , demanded he take it back and levied a charge of 3 guineas ( £3.15 ) for their loss of time in attending to " this act of justice " .
27 ten years ago now they took out these tremendous mortgages because their wages had trebled , it , it about a ten year period , you know when the boom was on
28 Interestingly it pointed up one of the fundamental differences between the two of them .
29 Some arsehole right is going to pick up and say oh well I phoned up this and y'know and then phoned the bloody managing director
30 Well I bought up three children
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