Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [vb past] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I felt uneasy and the back of my neck was prickly with sweat , but relentlessly I kept the same pace towards them .
2 Would n't I like to curl up on the sofa ? — and mostly I enjoyed the sweaty heaving pleasures of the British Legion do , where the guests galumphed and the men got drunk and waved bottles around — and one thing I noticed through all the ranks of society , no matter what the background , or the income , or the form the party took , was that as the evening wore on women would begin to look pained and patient and longed to get home , but did n't like to say so for fear of being accused of ruining the evening 's fun .
3 Slowly I unfolded the thick paper and spread it flat in front of me .
4 Luckily I had a little book in my pocket called Anaesthetics For Medical Students .
5 The initial research provided nothing , but eventually I discovered the scientific name and came up with a photograph of Synbranchus marmoratus , also known as the Marbled Swamp Eel .
6 Eventually I thought the only way I could control what I was doing was to decide on one specific charity — I chose Muscular Dystrophy — and work just with them , which is what I did .
7 Eventually I made a new friend around the corner .
8 So eventually I got a temporary job , er in ni end of sixty , which lasted til er February sixty one .
9 Eventually I got an old house , I had another baby , I was still working and put the kids in a nursery .
10 Eventually I had a better bite and to my surprise I hauled in a roach of 11b 5oz .
11 Eventually I had the other repeat to make the three parts , so then I could make harmonies by playing along with the tape . ’
12 Eventually I joined a real estate company in New Jersey and did rather well .
13 Eagerly I awaited a detailed review , but an upgrade package arrived from Microsoft first .
14 Suddenly I heard a loud scream and rushed to the front door .
15 Suddenly I heard a huge bang about 50ft away .
16 Suddenly I heard a piercing whistle that seemed to resound through the whole universe .
17 Suddenly I heard the guttural roar of fire from my studio above .
18 Suddenly I noticed a naked boy .
19 The white stubble on his fleshless jaw was a reproach to my twenty-four years and suddenly I felt an inadequate city-bred softie .
20 Suddenly I realized the awful truth .
21 I was going to shout to tell them they had forgotten me , when suddenly I saw a huge creature walking after them into the sea .
22 Suddenly I saw a big black shape in the darkness .
23 Suddenly I saw a whole host of photographers hiding behind the bushes .
24 Suddenly I had a compelling urge to look at Wilkerson .
25 When I got halfway I heard the angry voice of the French maid saying very aggressively : ‘ You got nobody like Napoleon ! ’
26 Basically I had the wrong equipment at Reading '88 .
27 Oddly enough I met the same warrant officer some years later when he was SWO on a station near Warboys and we had many a chuckle about that .
28 If only I had a decent time management system , you know , I could be really effective , and all the rest of it .
29 ‘ If only I had a pretty voice — I 'm quite without tune , am I not ? ’
30 ‘ Well , perhaps I had a bland time , ’ she retorted ineptly .
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