Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] set off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And so I set off across the field .
2 And so we set off towards Tughlukabad , Balvinder doing his best to prove his point .
3 So we set off down the steep easterly flank of the mountain , alongside a spectacular waterfall that incredibly was still partially frozen in June .
4 So we set off for a last look round .
5 And so he sets off on foot , aiming nowhere .
6 In the morning providentially we set off for the frontier , and there to my great delight I saw the familiar face of Mr Derrick Robinson , Rhodesia 's Assistant Commissioner of Police , standing beside a BMW motor car which was to convey me to Salisbury .
7 My father was thirty-eight , my mother twenty-nine when they married ; a few months later they set off for Addis Ababa .
8 Shirley wanted to run the other way , but very bravely she set off after Heather .
9 Then she set off across the shimmering grass , towards the dank , smelly , but mercifully cool ‘ Ladies ’ .
10 He placed his arm round my waist , which gave me a pleasurable feeling I 'd never experienced , and then we set off to the picture house .
11 Then we set off by car to tape some face-to-face interviews with funeral directors .
12 Then they set off at a run , Jim and Louise leading the way , Jube pounding along behind them .
13 Then they set off over the fields for the nearest village , two miles away .
14 Then they set off after the horses .
15 And then they set off from there into Kirkwall about What time ?
16 From there they set off to the landing ground which was Fraser 's target .
17 He was a scholar and for many years studied to learn the ways of dragons ; he was proud but not stupid , and he learned all that the books could teach him , and then he set off on a long journey and captured two baby dragons and brought them home as pets .
18 From there he set off with a caravan of mules on a journey of some eight hundred miles to Nairobi .
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