Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [verb] you for " in BNC.

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1 So I thank you for your ideas , but remember that this small country is ours , not yours .
2 We thank you for those who have ministered your word to the church of St Leonard 's during the weeks when we have been meeting in the School for the Deaf ; so we thank you for John , Alan and Emily , for the readers and for those chaplains and ministers who worship with us .
3 So we thank you for food , for clothing , for our homes , and for the government that you have set over the world .
4 It 's very difficult to get professional advice that is apposite — you used to be able to get free advice from the Ministry of Agriculture but now they charge you for the privilege of being told how not to farm . ’
5 No , no and very often they charge you for one a tremendous amount illustrated !
6 Sometimes I hate you for it , ’ she said , more harshly , perhaps , than she had intended .
7 ‘ I know , Shai Tung , and again I thank you for your concern .
8 We realize Lord , that we ca n't do it ourself we are totally dependent upon you and yet we thank you for this .
9 Now when it asks you for the sample statement , ah done it , right before , it will ask you for the sample statement er over what period would you like to estimate this equation , right instead of pressing the return key which gives you the default , right , if you specify nineteen twenty three to nineteen forty sorry just a a dash between it like that nineteen twenty three space nineteen forty okay it asks you for the number of observations to be used in the structural stability tests , right , erm if you er press the default er if you press the return key then it should give you the maximum number available right five observations in this case right and then it will perform the regression over the entire sample period , those will be the results you obtain , right , it will also er present Chow erm test statistics .
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