Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] at the time " in BNC.

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1 Georgina was most upset at the time .
2 As our death-bed scenario illustrated , the family was at its most cohesive at the times when the rites of passage were celebrated .
3 She looked back over that stormy summer and was surprised to see each scene , even the ones that had seemed rather painful at the time , shining with an almost holy silver light .
4 ‘ It was like a comedy , ’ says Banderas , who spoke only Spanish at the time .
5 I was so needy at the time that I think I would have gone off with the first person who told me I was attractive and showed my affection .
6 Such incidents were not always so funny at the time , though , in retrospect we always had a good laugh .
7 But erm , the people like and the left , did n't like the book either , because it did n't tell their particular interpretation , as kind of left Marxist er , interpretation as someone has it , was so popular at the time .
8 Sometimes I wonder if one really knew they were so desolate at the time . ’
9 The researcher who collects data on everything under the sun , just because it seems so easy at the time to ask a few more questions about this and that , usually rues the day when the analysis of all the answers has to be carried out .
10 But it is possible that both views were influenced by hindsight and that matters seemed less clear-cut at the time .
11 But it is possible that both views were influenced by hindsight and that matters seemed less clear-cut at the time .
12 This was part of Fender 's problem , of course , and the 30″ scale length strings were so unusual at the time as to cause major headaches in manufacture .
13 She was extremely ill at the time .
14 It was all terribly embarrassing at the time — not the defeat as much as the abject humiliation when the result was read out at assembly on the Monday morning …
15 The member of staff when I spoke to him about it afterwards — I did not call him in to speak to him about it immediately because I did not think it was either my place or my duty — I told him that she was very concerned about that being said to her son and quite frankly so was I , and really was that the sort of thing to say and he agreed it was n't the thing to say but he said ‘ I was so angry at the time .
16 They are more illuminating than compelling ; they show the operatic paraphrase in the hands of one of its most experienced practitioners , using as their basis music that will often have been more familiar to the listeners of its day than they now are to us ( there are some obvious exceptions on this CD ) ; and one can see why they were so successful at the time , even if they now seem slightly shallow set alongside the giants that selective history has chosen to remember .
17 and you seemed ever so big at the time !
18 Or had all his compliments and charm , so convincing at the time , been just a charade to get him what he wanted ?
19 This form of political ‘ discourse ’ has become painfully familiar in the years since then , but it was sufficiently new at the time to mislead many as to the true target of the strictures .
20 Evidence was also given that Ward had been suffering from a personality disorder and was highly suggestible at the time of her arrest and trial .
21 ‘ I was only young at the time , but I can still recall the funeral , and the flat cart with his coffin being pulled up the field by his horse .
22 A marriage contracted by a person so insane at the time as not to appreciate the nature of the obligations of the married state may be set aside at the suit of either party .
23 You are also responsible for the formation of future adults and , although children may not seem terribly appreciative at the time , most of them , when grown up , look back with delight on simple childhood memories .
24 Validation of the suffering individual , treating him or her with kindness , professional respect and dignity , being open and honest , separating the awareness of the disease from the understanding of the suffering human being , following the distorted reasoning and disturbed actions and accepting that they appeared to the sufferer to be most appropriate at the time they were committed .
25 ( 2 ) On receiving the claim the Board shall inquire into the matter and shall , subject to the provisions of this section , give by way of repayment such relief … in respect of the error or mistake as is reasonable and just : Provided that no relief shall be given under this section in respect of an error or mistake as to the basis on which the liability of the claimant ought to have been computed where the return was in fact made on the basis or in accordance with the practice generally prevailing at the time when the return was made . …
26 Scotland , in contrast , was already self-divided at the time of the Treaty of Union with two mutually hostile cultures in place — Gaelic and Lowland .
27 In Italy , soon after the collapse of the Gothic regime under Byzantine attack , the Lombards , a nation largely pagan at the time of its arrival in Italy in the 560s , settled in the northern and much of the central part of the peninsula .
28 I was painfully thin at the time and he commented , ‘ We could almost touch your shoulder-blades as you dashed past with plates of chips . ’
29 Like many other academic initiatives , it seems to have gone largely unnoticed at the time , and its historical importance has been perhaps exaggerated by those who live between the covers of books , yet it illustrates that in Germany freedom is considered primarily as freedom from an occupying power , from external political domination .
30 Judith , perhaps already ailing at the time of her son 's marriage , may have accompanied him to Tours in February 843 .
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