Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His has been the strongest and most resonant of the voices which have called for a change of priorities .
2 The most controversial of the proposals aimed to ( i ) reduce spending on education ; ( ii ) grant the government new powers to reduce the salaries of state employees and judges and to abolish security of tenure for civil servants with five years ' service ; ( iii ) end banking secrecy to allow the government to tackle tax evasion ; ( iv ) suspend a provision forbidding the government from collecting tax revenue in the year in which the tax was introduced ; and ( v ) reform pension schemes .
3 Also recommended was the withdrawal from the townships of the most controversial of the security forces , the former Namibian counterinsurgency unit Koevoet ( " Crowbar " ) and 32 battalion , members of which had been responsible for rape and other assaults during " peacekeeping " operations .
4 If anything , they seemed rather receptive to the idea of talking about invasion of the locality by monsters from deep space .
5 It is hard to believe that any fall in Polly Peck-owned Vestel 's share price could be mostly due to the Gulf crisis
6 The startling rise is mostly due to the privatisations of state companies , boosted with high-profile advertising and low share prices .
7 The imbalance is mostly due to the vigour of Brazil 's export industries , its sickly demand for imports and , with respect to Argentina , an under-valued exchange rate .
8 For every bright-eyed wagon train or trail blazing adventure , there are a dozen Westerns dealing with lawmen or outlaws who have outlived their times and now find themselves constrained by the pettiness of a civilisation which is rarely grateful for the way they have cleared the ground for its progress .
9 Some of those services used to build up a wonderful feeling , and now and then it would become rather emotional with the preacher calling on folk to come forward to the penitents ' bench at the front to re-dedicate their lives to the Lord .
10 I must tell the House it is probably one of the most momentous in the history of the British Police Service .
11 By comparison with the vast conscript armies of Europe , the BEF was indeed small — ‘ a contemptible little army ’ in the Kaiser 's words — but it was the most professional in the world .
12 We reckoned that the British Army was the most professional in the world and that it had been influential in training the South African and Israeli armies who we thought took second and third place .
13 But they 'll probably rather annoying at the moment .
14 Break-up of a marriage can have a bitterly ill-effect on the children .
15 Among the many cathedrals with Norman remains , it is most usual for the nave to be unaltered — the eastern arm and transepts were generally enlarged later to provide more accommodation .
16 Otherwise the earliest autumn record was 15 October , and arrival was most usual at the end of this month or in November .
17 I most grateful to the minister for giving way and it 's good to see the government er at last acknowledging the justice of the amendments to do exactly what we 're proposing now that we put in to most of the committees like the building societies c c c b b bill a and like the banking bill when they were discussing the nineteen eighties but Lord Justice Bingham also recommended er and I quote , the determination of the correct relationship between client , auditor and supervisor raises an issue of policy more appropriate for decision making by parliament than by the bank and the accounting profession .
18 We are most grateful to the Japan Festival in Northern Ireland for this event .
19 He continues , ‘ Of all atmospheres those inclining to the yellow and the green are the most unhappy ; and the most grateful to the feelings those of a grey somewhat inclined to purple ; but a reddish purple hue is not only unpleasant in nature , but ought to be studiously avoided in a picture . ’
20 The Association is most grateful to the AOC Air Cadets and the Director of the Girls Venture Corps for permitting their respective Corps to provide this much appreaciated help .
21 I am most grateful to the Area Chairmen in the North East , Tayside , the Highlands and in London for their counsel and support .
22 I am most grateful to the Area Chairmen in Tayside , the Highlands and in London for their continuing counsel and support .
23 We are most grateful to the Savoy Hotel for their generous support of this event each year .
24 In the last day or two , I have had some very positive comments about it and am most grateful for the amount of work done by all concerned .
25 The only trouble was , her account was rather overdrawn at the moment .
26 Some of the leaseholders were also remarkably stable over the generations , families such as the Braynes , the Groomes , the Tylers , the Juxes and the Formstons .
27 In recent years the currencies which have been participating within the E.R.M. have been remarkably stable within the system and it appears that the E.R.M. members benefited from enhanced policy creditability in the eyes of the foreign exchange markets .
28 However , the average time taken to make straightforward deliveries to readers of ‘ ordinary ’ books remained remarkably stable throughout the day , never exceeding 17 minutes on weekdays and 19 minutes on Saturdays .
29 After one visit to a juvenile court where some gang members had been committed to Approved School after ‘ carrying out depredations against shopkeepers over quite a wide area ’ , Dr Bryan ‘ could not help feeling a little depressed at the thought of so much high spirit , imagination , ingenuity and daring shut up behind high walls ’ .
30 ‘ Your mother is a little depressed at the moment .
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