Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Use of a highly similar construct for the second axis means that the resulting map represents only one rather than two dimensions of judgment .
2 The way spurs are playing Ill be disappointed to let a goal in , and not score at least 2 … so Ill go for a 3–1 … nah , only kidding , 0–2
3 It was a highly artificial construct with no precise parallel in any other health care system , and predictions about its performance were hard to make .
4 Researches into Border ballads were to lead to the composition of Scott 's immensely popular Lay of the Last Minstrel .
5 Fire officers have said they believe the blaze , which gutted the flat , was already well alight by the time it was noticed .
6 Like the rest of us , he knew , or thought he knew , that in the 18th century ‘ the riot was probably a more effective curb on the government ’ than either the Lords or the House of Commons — ‘ England 's strongest countervailing force ’ .
7 You can actually feel that there is a grimy , slimy layer that disappears after a little rubbing leaving a soft slightly oily feel to the skin .
8 This is true even though the approach may vary from a fairly soft sell in the " advertorial " to quite a strong sales pitch in the special offer .
9 Swindon 's got a really northern feel as a town and I 'm from the north of England myself .
10 The stress of being a ‘ social outcast ’ may outweigh some of the benefits of a totally pure , wholefood diet , so it is often necessary come to a compromise over such matters , as Owen 's parents decided to do .
11 It it has to be the most difficult sell in the world selling selling a piece of blank space .
12 If the pears are quite firm simmer in a large saucepan for 20–30 minutes until tender .
13 Only those who they think are pretty responsible go on the works .
14 There is a curiously dull feel to the LP , like Marley was burnt-out like the spliff on the back .
15 One final reason why Gothic 's victory was never complete lay in the new Settlements and Central Halls which Nonconformity erected in town centres .
16 Er to reach our target objectives we ha we need a very strong sell to the trade .
17 The frail or very elderly account for an increasing number of pensioners , and that emphasises the importance of nursing home and residential care .
18 For a supposedly religious ceremony there is a very secular feel about the whole affair .
19 Then , another doctor told me there was a drug that dries out alcoholics and makes something very raspy happen to the voice .
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