Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the purpose of the march was to force the French to battle it failed ; Charles 's council debated whether to go on the offensive against Gaunt 's army , but in the event their belief in the military superiority of the English was still sufficiently strong to inhibit them from offering an open challenge , and they agreed to pursue the usual defensive tactics .
2 Though most women experience the feelings I did , they are only willing to discuss them with other mothers .
3 It clearly had very different meanings in these teachers ' minds , but although we talked about these together , it was not so easy to put them into words .
4 I would make amends if they would contact me , and would be so glad to invite them to my home , to meet my wife and children .
5 Recognising sharp practice in their dealers from the outset , they would be less likely to blame them for huge losses .
6 You 're only , I think you 're only supposed to use them for a , a few months , I 've been using them for about three years .
7 Especially unusual to find them in a Tyrian , because as a rule Tyrians only care about making money .
8 He disapproved of the casual obscenity of barrack-room conversation , but as he groped for words to express his triumphant passion , he found to his surprise that he could not say them to Bridget They would sound to her like a string of incoherent obscenities : — the Army and — second stag on East Wing Guard and — Sergeant Towser who cancelled his last leave pass and — the troop train back to Catterick on Sunday night and — the cold walk from the station to the camp and — the platform where he kissed Bridget good-bye at the end of leave and — the street corner where he had to run for his bus and — the Teddy-boy who had attacked her and — all the people and all the regulations and all the time-tables and all the clocks that had tried for so long to stop them from having this .
9 ‘ In this country it is not illegal to use them because they are a prescription drug , it is only illegal to transfer them to somebody else . ’
10 The King was much intrigued to see them in the Dolls ' House and enquired who gave her permission .
11 Although they are much safer than allopathic or conventional drugs it is obviously advisable to store them in a safe place , out of reach of little fingers .
12 Where he did have strong personal views , he proved less willing or less able to implement them over the opposition of others .
13 It is not that these judgements should not be made , but that where subjective judgements are made by the teacher she should be aware that this is so and be prepared , not only to give reasons for her judgements , but also to be sufficiently flexible to change them in the light of particular circumstances .
14 They 've got less fat to insulate them from cold .
15 Many of them have inordinately high mortgages around their necks and they are finding it extremely difficult to service them in this unusually long period of high interest rates .
16 In order to enslave the English people , we might argue , it is only necessary to enslave them at election time : once in four years Is enough .
17 It is worth noting , however , that one of the ideas behind the risk theory , namely that losses should be borne by the party best able to absorb them with least dislocation and disruption , is a very popular one in the ( private ) law of tort where the theory of fault liability is , in some areas at least , under attack .
18 For but everything is so so not wholly satisfactory so I 'm just scared to have them in the house .
19 Cases ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) , involving chelating and bridging ligands , lead to slightly reduced frequencies for both bond stretches , down to about 1500 cm -1 for and about 900 cm -1 for , and it is not usually possible to distinguish them in this way .
20 if Tracey can get them it might be more reliable to get them from Tracey .
21 Rather than market and hierarchy being opposed to types , as in the Williamsonian formulation , it may be more appropriate to see them as alternative solutions to the problem of how to arrange functional alignment within the enterprise .
22 Thus , although it would in principle be possible to use the producer price indices for measuring the rate of inflation , it is more appropriate to regard them as indicators of the likely future trend of inflation .
23 Thus the large datasets are still there , but those who manage them are more likely to place them on a file server with appropriate network access ( Knight 1993 ) .
24 The contractor is obviously more likely to offer them to someone he knows and likes rather than to a stranger .
25 The doctor told me they were strong : in fact he prescribed them for me but it seems more logical to give them to Mum since it 's her that stops me sleeping .
26 Practical theories and theoretized practice meet somewhere in the middle , and it may be more fruitful to see them as a continuum than as a dichotomy .
27 I can not claim to have been a close friend , but I had occasional encounters with him and , as with most people , it would be more accurate to describe them as occasional brushes .
28 ‘ We would light matches and while the heads were still hot press them on the ticks — a long job .
29 But although it is easy to write fine-sounding words about the vision which should inspire community care services , it is much more difficult to put them into practice .
30 Since the other Nematodirus species do not have such critical hatching requirements , a sudden flush of L3 does not occur and although N. filicollis , N. spathiger and N. helvetianus have all been associated with outbreaks of nematodiriasis in sheep and cattle , it is more common to find them in conjunction with the other trichostrongyles .
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