Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [det] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In rather the same way the practice of giving hostages for the due execution of a treaty , quite common in the distrustful atmosphere of the sixteenth century , was last seen in operation in 1748 , when two British peers were sent to Paris as guarantees of the restitution by Britain of the conquests she had made in north America at the expense of France .
2 Basically the more levels the better but with correspondingly larger memory requirements .
3 For for fourteen er years ago when I studied erm communications at one of the things he said was the Sun paragraph would be short short of twenty words , whereas the tabloids would probably qualities they er full size papers would probably be longer , but interestingly enough the this introduction the introduction of the story about Princess Diana in the Sun is the same length as introduction about the story of Princess Diana in the Independent .
4 In much the same way the possible causes for behaviour either in terms of triggers , or in terms of payoffs must be expressed as precise statements .
5 The band 's debut release , the ‘ Stoned Woman ’ album , out this month , serves as a summary of their achievements so far and a blueprint for future possibilities — in much the same way the Brand New Heavies ' debut did a couple of years back .
6 At much the same time the Ryder Cup was also being knocked from the United States ' grasp .
7 In only a few moments the sheets , the bedding , all drenched .
8 A neutron star has a radius of about ten miles , only a few times the critical radius at which a star becomes a black hole .
9 Within only a few years the company was exporting its products to central Europe , Russia and the US .
10 You see I mean er er and this generally , I mean ju just as when Stalin claimed to be communist , that claim has been accepted by the great majority of people writing about what was happening in Russia in the West and in just the same way the Chinese leadership er after nineteen forty nine claimed to be communist , claimed to be standing in the tradition of Marx and that claim , generally speaking , has been accepted .
11 At approximately the same time the Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister , Nikolay Firyubin , carried out official talks and consultations in three ASEAN states : the Philippines , Indonesia and Thailand .
12 I have also heard people involved in the Animal Rights Movement argue exactly the same thing the other way round !
13 And after just a few minutes the cold was starting to get through .
14 But just a few minutes the vicar arrived , and despite the Church 's apology insisted the crosses would have to go .
15 In just a few cases the bonds that lie behind these transactions have survived , which show how his loans were arranged and secured .
16 In just a few days the centre will be a hive of activity .
17 The beams of light from this lighthouse turn round completely once every few second The time taken for the beam to turn a full circle is different for every lighthouse .
18 Later the same year the whole family set off for Vienna , where the children played to the Empress Maria Theresia and her consort at the beautiful Schönbrunn palace .
19 King Birendra appoints Lokendra Bahadur Chand as the new Prime Minister and sets up a commission to investigate allegations of police violence ; later the same day the police shoot dead as many as 150 demonstrators outside the Royal Palace in Kathmandu .
20 In such circumstances , clearly the more vilification the better .
21 Thus if you want the news to break at roughly the same time the material will have to be sent out at intervals appropriate to the lead times of the publications concerned , and there is always the risk that the nationals will hear of the item and decide to publish it .
22 Since the tubes are made of substantially the same material the large range of density is caused by the various thicknesses of the cell walls .
23 The more the external reduces uncertainty , and the less replaceable the external is , then the more power the external will have .
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