Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [adj] time i " in BNC.

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1 Izzie returned with the cups of wine , saying softly to her father without looking at Gabriel , ‘ Was n't I right the first time I saw this boy ?
2 He was dead the last time I saw him . ’
3 Basically the full time I was in basic training and when I went to the Regimental the Royal Highl Fusiliers Regiment the first battalion , I was physically beaten and mentally tortured er into the same bargain .
4 come on because it would have been perhaps the first time I suppose it would n't be a
5 Once again , now it does n't matter which way round you start , you can start left over right or right over left , but the second time you do it opposite to the first time , so the first time I put the left one over first and the right one over that and then tuck it through , just like tying a shoe lace really , okay ?
6 So the first time I had a conversation with Mr Wogan was live on television !
7 So the second time I went clasping them round the waist , two , you see .
8 So the next time I thought , No madam you 're on the settee on your changing mat , and er I 've got you .
9 It was a tag that surprised me very much the first time I heard it … but now I 've stopped worrying .
10 ‘ This is only the third time I 've met him . ’
11 It was the eleventh or perhaps only the tenth time I had fallen that morning .
12 Two years later he bought my mother a new car and at just the same time I caught him in his office with his secretary . ’
13 For just a short time I had become a part of the village community on a day that ‘ introduces everybody to everybody else ’ .
14 Yeah , the first thing I 've ever the first time I 've shaved my legs , I forgot the water .
15 And she used to go with the district nurses a lot to er to treat different people specially a long time I remember erm a young man erm h he had er I think it was cerebral palsy he had and er he was so fed up with himself he threw paraffin over himself and er set light you know on the top of the stairs and threw himself down .
16 Probably the last time I went to the cinema , ’ the last member of the trio , a small , mousy-haired woman , chimed in , a littly archly .
17 Never had an occasion to use , well the only time I 've used a newspaper as far as I know this afternoon when I emptied the bag .
18 well the next time I get something , she 'll probably have her own place
19 Well the last time I came you told me
20 Well the last time I was a chippie on twelve grand .
21 Well the last time I bought some then it was three pound something for me and you .
22 I was just gon na say , some sometimes , I have n't been for a bit mind you , oh , well the last time I went , sometimes I go to Wales to Blaenau Ffestiniog or to congregation
23 Oh he came from an old , I think he came from a very old er , there was , there was a General , first world war , erm , well the last time I heard anything about Cake , well , he was , he 'd , he 'd left the Signals section , he was the when I left India , and the last time I heard anything about him , I read it in , in a paper in erm , when the troubles were on and he was brig brigadier in charge of an infantry brigade , about my age , well , a , probably a year or two older than me , cos he was a , yeah he was a lieutenant when I got out there a full lieutenant , so he must of been a captain .
24 She said oh I 'm ever so sorry , she said perhaps it 's your mother , I said no I said she was alive and kicking as well the last time I saw her so
25 And then he talked to his family , and then the third time I asked him again , and he still said it was okay , and so we did it .
26 And then the next time I 'll probably give you some intervals and ask you what they are .
27 Traffic still very busy on all major routes going out of the city , it 's not as bad now , though as it was there the last time I spoke to you , but still , very very busy this evening .
28 I must admit that for almost the first time I feel a stab of concern for him , a gesture of fellow regard .
29 Quite a long time I would have start probably with more than thirty years ago , because me Mum always make cheese and I just thought making when I was still a girl at the school and since we came here and farmed on me own behalf well twenty six years we 've been making cheeses here .
30 I remember him relating it again the first time I returned to see him after gaining my first post as butler — to a Mr and Mrs Muggeridge in their relatively modest house in Allshot , Oxfordshire .
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