Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] term [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The buyer says , tapping a file with his finger , ‘ You 'll have to do much better in terms of price .
2 be of a high quality , eg in terms of accuracy and cross-references
3 Alternatively , there could be a strong corporate role , giving the staff concerned the right to direct key functional aspects of marketing in the divisions , eg in terms of product-design , corporate image , and marketing control information systems .
4 Make comparisons , where appropriate , between different works , eg in terms of theme or characterisation or style .
5 Make comparisons , where appropriate , between different works , eg in terms of theme or characterisation or style .
6 In others they will be more difficult , especially in terms of performance in competition .
7 Among the successes were a measure of economic progress , particularly in agriculture and especially in terms of grain production .
8 Britain performed particularly badly in the 1970s immediately after she joined the Common Market , especially in terms of growth in output and of her annual average rate of inflation .
9 Of course , most of them thrive on it , but many people are beginning to wonder if the rewards for having power , and being able to influence others , are worth the costs , especially in terms of family relationships .
10 The closeness of consumer and producer has made it easier for the Registry to expect and to receive from the Computer Centre a computing service of commercial standards , especially in terms of quality and meeting deadlines .
11 It is therefore timely to access the extent to which payment system changes have been made , the reasons for them , and their significance especially in terms of productivity .
12 Some authors are lucky enough to think naturally in terms of story .
13 Still , without returning on our tracks and urging the rigorist position ( that one must always do as much good as possible ) , there must be some kind of requirement that one do as little harm as possible , in terms of actual pain ( though not perhaps in terms of pleasure prevented ) in order to achieve the good one does .
14 That will be expressed perhaps in terms of target response , waiting time and accuracy in carrying out the service , and always in terms of courtesy and helpfulness from staff .
15 So in terms of price there 's no comparison .
16 So in terms of commitment er County Councils can always look at the the route , it can always change its mind .
17 So in terms of demand er it 's beaten it has n't it ?
18 So in terms of equality of access to service , just like I was talking about with elderly people , people with families do n't have an equality of access and what we 're trying to do is build up in those other areas those services .
19 So in terms of action
20 So in terms of infant mortality er males die more than females .
21 It 's one of the most inefficient ways to produce food ; for every pound of animal grain that goes into an animal , we get far less in terms of meat .
22 I 'm a car owner who 's actually thinking of selling my car because I do n't use it much in Glasgow I do n't need to , I can actually walk to work and to come to somewhere like Edinburgh tonight I would much prefer to use the train , but I think we could have much more adequal plans to do with pedestrianizing city centres so that cars were banned from them altogether , they could bring back trams which are much less in terms of pollution , they might not make us big profits for the company 's but they are a very good way , we , a lot of European cities still use trams .
23 He says it 's not only in terms of money we give but in terms of ourselves .
24 Such practices are costly to the patient , and not only in terms of money .
25 The trouble with most finance people is that they see things only in terms of money .
26 They are distinct from the longer stories not only in terms of content , but in graphology also : most are italicised , which separates them visually from the other material .
27 He saw Preobrazhensky as viewing the problem only in terms of struggle and confrontation , which would have been disruptive of social equilibrium .
28 Class background is an important factor in the level of schooling achieved , partly because the higher the level the greater the cost ( if only in terms of opportunity costs ) and partly because educational facilities are best in the well-to-do residential areas .
29 Founded in 1864 , the group has maintained its image as a typical home service company , with a mixture of ordinary and industrial branch life business and general insurance business sold through a field force of up to 6,500 individuals , second only in terms of size to the Prudential 's of more than 12,000 .
30 On the other hand , there may be real value in divergence of approach not only in terms of flexibility , but also in encouraging experimentation which may lead to overall advances being made , which might otherwise not be possible .
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