Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thank you very much for all the trouble .
2 The Committee is very grateful to its Secretary , , not only for all the work she has done for the committee but also for her work for ethnic minority students seeking pupillage .
3 I would prefer that we accepted that Stella 's original notes defines the responsibility for forms literally for all the time .
4 Especially after all the hype about 15pt gap you 'd have thought that they 'd have been looking at the ‘ nearest rival trying to close the gap ! ! ’ .
5 Perhaps of all the marquetry skills , the three veneer class brought out the most consistent high levels of artistic interpretation .
6 Regardless of all the toing and froing in Christian periodicals regarding women in leadership roles , no one has ever come up with anything remotely convincing which would relieve husbands from the responsibility for the direction of their families .
7 Here , the lack of refinement in the drive train , the sudden jerks and snatches from the engine , combined unhappily with all the car 's other short-comings .
8 The feller that did the wiring told me it was dangerous , especially with all the wood about . ’
9 ‘ It 's easier to manage a team playing in defence because you can see the game developing , but it has been a real problem up front , especially with all the pushing and shoving .
10 What a queasy period those inter-war years now seem ( I am looking at the chicken curry ) , the old hatreds and prejudices simmering and bubbling nicely with all the dark , irrational fears surfacing in a way that rational people like Cohn-Casson believed had long ago been rendered obsolete by the evolutionary nature of society .
11 He said yesterday : ‘ The situation is difficult … and we 're going to have to tread very carefully about how we proceed , and it 's important that we do so with all the information that we can possibly have . ’
12 He said : ‘ The situation is difficult … and we 're going to have to tread very carefully about how we proceed , and it 's important that we do so with all the information that we can possibly have . ’
13 Now that the prior was assured of retaining his saint , together with all the lustre accruing to him as her discoverer and translator , he wanted everything tidied up and ended , and these troublesome visitors from Ramsey off his premises , before they contrived some further mischief .
14 Eclecticism rules these days , and traditional patterns may be thrown together with all the flair for ill-assortment of current Top-Shop fashions .
15 The mill still contains its iron half-breast shot wheel together with all the machinery , stones etc , although much of this has been idle since the early 1950s and has fallen into disrepair .
16 Perhaps I alone in all the world called her Florence .
17 She broke off as though to allow this to sink in then went on : ‘ Father knew perfectly well that my brother and I did n't agree , that we would part as soon as possible , so he made sure that we would be tied together in all the wrangling that would go on because of the joint legacy . ’
18 ‘ I understand that you have known him longest of all the family ? ’
19 anti-hunt people , the League of Cruel Sports and all sorts of other organisations that have actually asked their members not to be here today , not to cause a problem , not to divert attention from the real issues in the debate er er and cause a crisis outside for all the press and the media to latch on to , that 's not what they were about .
20 There is always a man from just down the road , or the basement flat , or the office , whose name Howard does n't quite catch , and who was up at Cambridge just after all the rest of them .
21 ‘ So he 's just like all the rest , ’ thought Simon , ‘ a loser . ’
22 You talk tough but inside you 're just like all the rest of us .
23 He may have known her all her life , but when the tits appeared he 'd had his tongue hanging out just like all the rest .
24 You 're just like all the rest . ’
25 You accuse me of being ‘ just like all the rest ’ , which is clearly an insult .
26 Just like all the rest , she thought bitterly .
27 Wallace said : ‘ We insist that Aaron is a bone fide player , just like all the rest of us , and we are determined to have him in our team . ’
28 Just got a bit carried away with all the excitement of storming the building and everything .
29 Steering is largely done by one of the sailors sheeting out , for instance , if the back sail is depowered the board will bear away with all the power still on at the front .
30 Molly had got out — got away from all the criticism and tantrums .
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