Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] way of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The two women had not been able to help much by way of descriptions apart from recounting details of the horrific masks the burglars wore and that one appeared to be rather thin ( the one with the broken leg ) .
2 Dozens of scholars have tackled it , without achieving much by way of agreement .
3 ‘ You ca n't have seen much of your brother , ’ she commented , merely by way of conversation .
4 My noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , at pp. 121–122 , also referred to the minister 's speech , although possibly only by way of support for a conclusion he had reached on other grounds .
5 It provided no prescriptions for the substantive curriculum , except at the level of general aims , and these only by way of suggestion .
6 An equitable mortgagee seeking possession is in precisely the same position as a legal mortgagee ( Barclays Bank Ltd v Bird [ 1954 ] Ch 274 at p 280 ) , but the remedy of an equitable chargee is only by way of sale ( see The Supreme Court Practice Vol 1 at 50/1 — 9/23 ) .
7 Searching around for a related but cooperative proposition that B might be intending to convey , we arrive at the opposite , or negation , of what B has stated namely that Britain does n't rule the seas , and thus by way of Relevance to the prior utterance , the suggestion that there is nothing that Britain could do .
8 Now erm just just by way of look I 'll just interrupt this slightly I 'll come back to it in a second .
9 Section 212 makes provision for the court to compel past and present officers of the company to restore monies or property misapplied , or to contribute such a sum as the court thinks just by way of compensation .
10 just by way of comparison for rough guidance that there is a regulation or or something like that which says , if I remember rightly , that erm er payments must not be made for either services or goods not supplied above a figure of two thousand pounds without er being taken to committee first .
11 Griffith 's intention was to condemn the hypocrisy of wealthy do-gooders and just by way of illustration he brilliantly made real the experience of industrial warfare .
12 The amount of time , officer time taken to process an application for a modification to an existing permission is still substantial and in some cases can be even more than that per a new proposal , but in those circumstances , and this is just by way of illustration because the the actual fee regime is , is very variable , by way of illustration the fee chargeable for a a , a modification is much less than for the application as a whole er f for , for the er er working as a whole .
13 A partner or sole trader paying Schedule D income tax is able to claim more by way of expenses and allowances against income than a Schedule E person earning the same amount .
14 ‘ I mean , what 's needed in the village is more by way of quality housing , is n't it ?
15 Having gathered so much about Loulou 's working habits , Flavia walked home by way of St-Jean .
16 There followed a series of seven applications to the Divisional Court in England , coupled in some instances with applications for judicial review , each application being launched upon the failure of the last , and each pursued unsuccessfully by way of petition to the House of Lords for leave to appeal .
17 Partly by way of compensation , the government lent its favour increasingly to the allegedly more cost-effective polytechnics ( now made independent of local authorities ) , and to more practically or vocationally orientated institutions such as business schools .
18 Mr. Harrison accepts that the liability of the original lessee and other direct covenantees is a primary liability and not a collateral or secondary liability , e.g. by way of surety .
19 For example , the general law requires an agent to account to a principal for any profit made e.g. by way of commission , out of the principal 's business .
20 I can well understand M M Mr Jewitt 's concerns , erm I think the simple fact of the matter is that not a great deal of Greater York new housing demand is likely to be generated in Hambledon district , whereas in Selby district a significant amount of er demand is likely to be generated , so really by way of conclusion I I would like through you to ask Mr Mr Jewitt if his opposition to the new settlement is as a matter of principle , or whether he 's really stating the case for Hambledon district , in other words , would he object to a new settlement in Selby district ?
21 Now by way of introduction to this , we had some deep thinking last night after we 'd concluded our discussion , and I have to preface what I 'm going to say , certainly for Mr 's benefit that it 's the if question , the if question .
22 It was not an order that was available simply by way of agreement .
23 ‘ Happy New Year ! ’ said Miss Needham tartly by way of response and rode away .
24 The antipathy to any large-scale popular participation in running public affairs , which shows itself constantly in many more forms than those which I have mentioned here by way of illustration , has been incorporated in several different ways into political science .
25 Some responses to such questions are cited here by way of example .
26 observed , almost by way of invitation , at p. 329b : ‘ It may be that the House of Lords will feel able to take such a step but it is my present view that this is a matter for consideration by Parliament . ’
27 Donald approached Waitrose with military precision , working his way steadily through Farinaceous , Vegetables ( Salad ) , Vegetables ( Root , Loose and packed ) , poultry , Game , Continental Cuts and Mince , and from there by way of Fish ( Frozen ) and Fish ( Fresh ) to Spices , Pickles and Non-refrigerated Ready-packed Sauces , through to pet food , Pet Accessories and Household Cleaners .
28 This applies whether proceedings were initiated in the High Court or arrived there by way of transfer from the county court .
29 One canon stipulated that the parish clergy were to avoid discussing predestination in their sermons , and leave the topic to bishops , deacons , and ‘ learned men ’ , who would approach it ‘ moderately and modestly by way of use and application rather than by way of positive doctrine , as being [ more ] fitted for schools and universities than simple auditors ’ .
30 He is responsible for presenting to the council and its committees all matters of business which are brought to his notice , either from members of the public , members of the council or from the officers themselves , and of recording the decisions , either by way of minutes of the committees or of reports of the committees which are subsequently presented to the council .
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