Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At a time when only the Northumbrians , and then only for a time in the reign of Eadberht ( 737–58 ) , minted coins of pure silver , southern England experienced a decline in the quality of its sceattas .
2 Whereby the whole church family , broke up into groups for a period of education , and then came together for a time of celebration and worship .
3 Thus , especially in a time of unsettled orthography , it is extremely likely that current sound-changes will be admitted into writing , whatever the historical origins of the writing conventions may be .
4 In any case rail rates were high and for coal transport the canals seemed a logical proposition , especially at a time of economic recession .
5 Especially at a time of recession and high unemployment , it is hard to give up a source of income and jobs .
6 Carroll in Forest Gate argued that ‘ class legislation ’ was impossible , ‘ especially at a time like the present when the nation is stirred to its very vitals by unemployment and general stagnation of trade ’ ( Election leaflet 1921 ) .
7 The way was now open for peace negotiations with France , and these negotiations inevitably looked rather like the negotiations which had ended the wars against Louis XIV in 1713 — sensible enough at a time of high expenditure but not fair to allies nor likely to allow the British negotiators to gain the largest possible amount at the bargaining table .
8 Clinical investigations produced evidence that 75% of the women questioned who developed cellulite , did so at a time of hormonal change .
9 Moreover , if the tables are to be turned , the USSR will do so at a time of her choosing , rather than wait for the hour of maximum danger to herself .
10 Thus for a time after 1905 alien influence in Northeast Asia became a less immediate question .
11 He crouched still for a time after that , for there was no haste , and now that it was time he found himself afraid ; there might be something to lose there , as well as something to find .
12 And , since the casualty list of the Westland Affair , there have been signs that the Thatcher Cabinet may function more collectively for a time at least .
13 PRS and Patrick Eggle have revived this fashion , which was predominant once upon a time on Gibson 's ES345/355 models .
16 America is also represented by the legendary ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST .
17 Once upon a time in Belfast there were bands like Stiff Little Fingers and Rudi .
18 De Niro , curiously takes a back seat , indeed , content to re-invent Noodles ( Once Upon A Time In America ) with a darker , more sadistic bent .
19 Very few films are about rape , although it crops up all over the place — from the narrative device launching an endless cycle of Death Wish movies , to general ’ scene-setting ’ in war movies and crime thrillers , or used with sublime insensitivity to illuminate ( male ) character : Robert De Niro raping his childhood sweetheart in Once Upon A Time In America , Bob Hoskins forcing himself on the maid in The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne .
20 De Niro , curiously takes a back seat , indeed , content to re-invent Noodles ( Once Upon A Time In America ) with a darker , more sadistic bent .
21 I have always been careful to leave no stone unturned , ever since a time in Philadelphia when a particularly uncomfortable sofa turned out to be hiding a pair of magnificent George III sideboard dishes , subsequently sold for $66,000 .
22 At the time of her appointment , Elizabeth acknowledged that she was coming to Lothian also at a time of great change with developments in the areas of delegated budgets for schools , curriculum guidelines for five to 14 year olds , nursery education and special education .
23 Although Nizan was later to pour scorn on the moral self-righteousness and indignation of a non-communist majority in France venting its spleen on the treacherousness of the USSR , 8 and although he was also to recognise the Soviet Union 's need to act expediently at a time of impending international disaster , 9 nonetheless something fundamental had clearly snapped in Nizan 's psychology .
24 Kelly believe winter — allowing the results of that animal attraction to be born nine months later at a time of peak autumn plenty .
25 Topping the list of problems , inevitably at a time of deep recession and pressure on practice incomes , is cost .
26 It is about a crisis of identity ( becoming a widow or widower ) , about facing aloneness , about developing new competencies , often at a time of life when physical strength and energy are diminished .
27 I had once found two names scratched on one of the window-panes , ‘ perhaps two soldiers billeted here for a time at the beginning of the 1914 War … ’ ( or perhaps soldiers in hiding at the time of the Reformation ? )
28 In fact , however , Dworkin 's rather rigid division of labour , and the inflexible institutional framework in which it operates appears ill-equipped to ensure that the best or fairest policy decisions are reached , particularly during a time of rapid political economic and social change .
29 The recent match against England saw our pack provide plenty of good possession until England got their act together — and even for a time after that .
30 And that is why fashion at any level needs to capture the imagination , most particularly in a time of economic recession when the consumer is likely to have priorities more urgent than a new frock .
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