Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 They stayed together like this for a long time .
2 Send him only with enough for the journey and such toys he shows an exceptional fondness for you having mentioned he will not be parted from the train William carved .
3 But , if at the same time as the warrant is issued the issuer undertakes to redeem it , the agreement to redeem the warrant should be considered together with that for the issue of the warrant itself .
4 Along with a Chinese freelance photographer , Cavell had called for her that morning and whisked her round some of Taipei 's famous landmarks , the all-marble Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial , a colourful Buddhist temple , and the Grand Hotel with its magnificent Chinese architecture , pausing only long enough at each for the young man to take the photos that would help introduce Maria to the Taipei public , before escorting her back to the apartment and approving the outfit she planned to wear to the dinner the radio station was hosting for the rest of the local media that night .
5 The internal picture would then look exactly like that for the Hall effect in any normal conducting solid , except that it is limited to two dimensions .
6 If the forms of the two potential functions are similar too , we may well find that the ground-state level for the ion lies almost exactly over that for the molecule in the energy diagram ( Fig. 6.13 ) .
7 In practice , iteration in this case behaves rather like that for a defective matrix ( 2.7.5 ) , in that convergence is slow and successive columns tend to a quasi-arithmetic progression of the elements .
8 So much so that occasionally Rosemary would insist on cooking supper and bringing it over — always with enough for an extra helping in case a guest should turn up .
9 Sapura Holdings Sdn Bhd , Kuala Lumpur will launch Malaysia 's first locally designed and manufactured cellular portable telephone in August : the unit will launch two models — one for the 900MHz network followed a few months later by another for the proposed 800MHz network and the new phone could double Sapura 's current 10% share of Malaysia 's mobile phone market .
10 well at least of all for the time being
11 And I have not , and I would n't want to unless she was in such a condition , can you manage to sit there like that for a moment while I 'll manage to go and get a pad ?
12 The situation for chiropody at home was mid-way between that for the receipt of home help and GP visits , with the ratio for elderly men living alone being 2.7 times higher than for elderly married men .
13 There were accordingly several moves to bring services for the young offender closer to those for the deprived child .
14 I do n't wan na go much er er further ahead on this for the moment .
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