Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pers pn] at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do n't imagine you can take it out on me because things have not gone right for you at the party .
2 Von Stein had fallen to his knees , and stared dazedly about him at the ruined lab .
3 Wilcox waited impatiently for her at the bottom of the final staircase .
4 He 's come round to both our Joe and our Tamar and , heaven knows , he was bitter enough against them at the start . ’
5 This completes the picture of the perfect rock'n'roll group ; a tidal wave of Jack Daniels coolness , that carried all before it at the Stadium .
6 You know especially to me at the moment .
7 ‘ Great brutes , liable to trample all over you at the drop of a hat . ’
8 Diane Bailey , the Curtis Cup captain , seized on the Jacklin example and so did Geoff Marks and all around him at the Walker Cup in ‘ 89 , and their teams responded magnificently .
9 Alice looked all around her at the flowers and the trees , but she could not see anything to eat .
10 ‘ Hi , Dodgy Windows Inc here , we 've got this great special offer just for you at the reduced rate of only …
11 My wife still knows a person born shortly after her at the same maternity hospital .
12 ‘ If I can get drunk enough on this stuff I might be able to get away with it at the next repatriation board . ’
13 Scotland seem to have got away with it at the moment .
14 I 'm away from her at the moment ; perhaps you guessed .
15 We 'll ride away from them at the walk . ’
16 He jumped brilliantly and I decided to put the pressure on to get away from them at the top of the hill .
17 The same powers which took my friend 's video away from him at the airport and threatened his livelihood into the bargain , have routinely been used against our whole culture .
18 ‘ Give me time , ’ and she looked away from him at the distant hills .
19 The Tirajana apartments are ideal for those wishing to enjoy the nightlife and then get away from it at the end of the day .
20 The People 's Party should also be benefiting from the little-noticed collapse of the Democratic and Social Centre ( CDS ) , a party that took votes away from it at the general election in 1989 .
21 If they were still with him at the end of tomorrow , he could complain , but not until then .
22 Bureaux de Change operators Travelex — with booths at airports and ferry terminals — will let you change back any currency you bring back home with you at the rate you bought at if the markets move against you .
23 As the doors opened she stepped out and glanced quickly round her at the tastefully lavish five-star décor .
24 He came straight to us at the castle , and told us how he had found the body , and no question but he was greatly shaken and agitated , as well he might be , guilty or innocent .
25 Actually erm I 'm not really into it at the moment because I ca n't sort of make myself get in there , you know ?
26 The most popular halting place on the Mallaig road occurs midway along it at the village of Glenfinnan where romance is allied to scenic beauty of a high order .
27 ‘ I hear things are n't going too well for you at the moment . ’
28 The doctor 's trying some different medication , and we seem to be doing quite well with it at the moment . ’
29 ‘ You will bring them here to me at the fall of the Purple Hour . ’
30 Fortunately for us at the time there was not the amount of light flak associated with later years , or that which was spawned by some of the Cheshire low level attacks .
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