Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 No , only about I 'd say late twenties Ed , you know , do know what it was though , he never had a drink he just sat there talking to himself , having a good chat to somebody , aye
2 When the deadline for judging whether the republics should be recognised arrives in January , will the 12 Foreign Ministers meet again to decide collectively whether the criteria have been met and whether all of them will recognise or not recognise the republics ?
3 P.B. All of this , which would go I think contrary … much of it would go contrary to the basic Catholic belief .
4 Let's start all over we can start all over , yeah .
5 Dotted all over you can see the symbol of Wenceslas IV — a kingfisher and a towel .
6 Moran was neither rich nor poor but his hatred and fear of poverty was as fierce as his fear of illness which meant that he would never be poor but that he and all around him would live as if they were paupers .
7 The other people all around us must have thought — I do n't know what they must have thought .
8 At some time or another most of us will have sat beside the shore of a loch when there 's complete calm and not a breath of air .
9 He produced a notebook and took down the address of the party in Fulham ( as best as I could remember it ) and the time , which I guessed at around 11.15 p.m .
10 That 's what I 'm saying , if , if , if , a a we hope you 're never in the situation but if you was describing that man , try and describe that man as honestly , honestly and as best as you can do n't say , if I say to you oh did he have jeans on ?
11 It took the view that the upper limit is arbitrary , and might operate unfairly , since a person just above the limit receives no assistance , whereas a person just below it might have to make a substantial contribution but would have the security of knowing that that contribution represents the maximum liability for costs regardless of the actual cost or the outcome of the case .
12 He had a way of looking at people as though they amused him , just like you might look at the antics of white mice in a cage .
13 In the Trocadero large quantities of objects were displayed in a crowded , haphazard fashion , and , while Picasso was undoubtedly overwhelmed by what he saw and experienced , the impression he carried away with him must have been of a very general , metaphysical kind .
14 Perhaps the time spent away from him would help her regain some control over the wild emotions roiling inside her .
15 That ingrained courage , the belief that he must continue to fight on — the ability to fool himself into thinking that he could fight on — was all that was left to Tubby , and Colonel Windsor realised that to take it away from him could precipitate the final breakdown .
16 In the case of light , therefore , this means that stars moving away from us will have their spectra shifted toward the red end of the spectrum ( red-shifted ) and those moving toward us will have their spectra blue-shifted .
17 it 's a pity cos I mean if we put , if , if Billy went away on I could use it
18 Such methods are outside the scope of this book , but those who are interested in reading more about them will find relevant books in Suggested Reading on p. 141 .
19 There was nothing any of them could do to save him , scattered and outnumbered now as they were .
20 There was nothing any of them could do .
21 There was nothing any of them could do .
22 Only a woman can understand what 's wrong , and there 's nothing any of you could do .
23 And the god , speaking in his high falsetto voice through the medium of the dhāmi , said without a moment 's hesitation that Kalchu 's bull 's time had come , and there was nothing any of us could do to save it now .
24 Now just breathing deeply with it will help you relax .
25 The next two in the margin , if you go further in you 'll see a ‘ noe answere ’ .
26 If Saddam is overthrown — when Saddam is overthrown — everyone close to him will go too , and it 's unlikely to be a gentle business .
27 In that case both of them will move inwards under the effect of magnetic force .
28 They should be er both of them could have put that all in black .
29 ‘ I 'll tell you , ’ she said , ‘ but first both of you will listen to what I have to say . ’
30 From various tables near by she could hear a handful of languages being spoken : English , Italian , Malti , even Arabic .
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