Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 The Sir Richard Arkwright and Company mill at Cromford , a familiar sight to travellers along the main Derby-Buxton-Manchester road , only ceased spinning in November 1991 — latterly as part of the Coates Viyella group .
2 In their overheated frustration this Monday evening at Old Trafford they let themselves down badly through ignorance of the laws of cricket .
3 People murmured that this would never have happened in Cromwell 's day , albeit secretly for fear of the authorities .
4 Former Civic Forum chairman and federal Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus was elected overwhelmingly as chairman of the new party .
5 Depressed moods are the most difficult moods for dieting , and such is the mood-lifting effect of exercise that it is even being used medically as part of the treatment for depression .
6 As the cyclist who organised the commuter challenge , I agree with Bernard Povey ( letters , 5 July ) that the route from Currie to the city centre is downhill for part of the way .
7 Vowels are recognized most effectively as part of the pattern and rhythm of the whole sentence .
8 While the Action Teams have a major role to play in implementing local initiatives , they are not working on their own , but rather as part of the overall Making Belfast Work strategy .
9 I would have thought it would have been better in the introduction rather as part of the minutes , would you not have thought so ?
10 The twenty-fifth defendant , Wessex , is sued more prosaically for breach of the contract dated 1 April 1988 which has been repudiated by Wessex on the grounds of fraud .
11 ‘ He does , but only for part of the week ; the rest of the time he works at Conway House . ’
12 Only as the car was crunching softly to a halt in the gravel of the yard did Charlotte ask suddenly , but in a tone so subdued as to suggest that she had been contemplating the question for some time , and refrained from asking it only for fear of the answer :
13 Other sources of information include the written company review and accounts , which is usually published annually as part of the statement to the shareholders or governors , and recruitment brochures .
14 If you have been successful in treating the interview as a two-way communication then much of what you hope to say will arise naturally as part of the interchange between you .
15 The stuck needles in me and wheeled me in and out of X-ray rooms peering inside for evidence of the impacted fracture they were sure I had .
16 The leaf-stalk is thickened with air-filled tissues inside for buoyancy of the plant .
17 The new classification was to focus on drawing together items in the CAB information system by client-situation , so that seemingly disparate things , such as holiday insurance and local animal-care centres , would be brought together as part of the information a client may need when going on holiday .
18 This splendid collection from the Spanish Renaissance has been put together as part of the Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario 's recording programme of Ibero-American music .
19 He gave his first television interview on June 24 — apparently as part of the KGB 's media campaign to demonstrate its commitment to working within the law — and announced that a Supreme Soviet commission would soon be established to supervise the work of all law-enforcement agencies .
20 Here , however , lay the crux of the matter , for the King of Prussia and his government maintained that they had never been officially associated with Leopold , whose activities were purely personal , and that the King was concerned with the matter only as head of the House of Hohenzollern .
21 A former tax inspector , he has had experience of power only as head of the regional government in Old Castile and Leon .
22 The Alps were compelling , but only as part of the scenery , not as the winter activity playground they were to become .
23 ( They also do this when they bring their owners dead birds from the garden , an action normally done only as part of the food-training routine when mother cats show their kittens the kind of prey they must later attack . )
24 But he saw her only as part of the furniture , and so her guilt was lessened .
25 Emmie had always known it , really , but only as part of the long , beautiful dream she had about all her family .
26 In 1922 the Kerry Railway was absorbed by the GWR and in 1931 it was closed to passengers but continued to run for freight only as part of the BR ( Western Region ) from 1 January 1948 .
27 This depends on such considerations as whether the wider context includes an indication of negation or counterfactuality , and also on the lexical character of the verb with which the adjective is in immediate construction , since the property of the adjective is not applied to the entity in isolation but only as part of the property complex constituted by the adjective and the verb properties taken together .
28 But still the likely reality is that Britain will be increasingly demoted by Washington to its proper station — a second-rank nation , perhaps one day a third-rank nation , whose importance is only as part of the European Community .
29 See below for position of the Kohl government on this issue . )
30 The vigil in the longhouses was going to last for a day , and perhaps for part of the next night at least .
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