Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The geostationary communications satellites placed high above the Pacific to link the banking and trading centres of South-East Asia , Japan and Australasia with those of North America preside over a ‘ window ’ of the planetary territory of geometrically fixed size — rather as if a cone , a dunce 's cap , the height of which is equivalent to the altitude necessary for a satellite 's geostationary orbit , had been set down over the ocean .
2 It is rather as if a burglar , when sued for the recovery of the stolen property or its value , sought contribution from a security guard who , by falling asleep while on duty , had made the burglary possible .
3 ‘ What 's this , Sep ? ’ said Tom Tedder , coming in from his last class , and acting rather as if a load was now off his mind , or as if he was trying to conceal one .
4 His very own face frowned back at him doubtfully as if a homunculus was imprisoned in the card , a mute model of himself .
5 This progress occurs regardless of whether a child shows emotional and behavioural disturbance .
6 The examiner is quite entitled to set questions on any topic in the syllabus regardless of whether a lecture on it has been given or not and you should look out for the " old foxes " .
7 It appears to be an inescapable fact that regardless of whether a nation is developing , developed or experiencing economic decline , the indigenous population will experience differing degrees of economic prosperity depending on their particular location in the economy .
8 Consequently , setting up detailed financial controls based only upon whether an SBU is considered to be a ‘ star ’ , ‘ cash cow ’ or ‘ dog ’ is also simplistic .
9 Since the distance and aperture remain the same , only more or less of the same picture is being shown , just as if a camera in a museum or on an animation stand were moving in and out on an oil painting .
10 Now , if you see a ploughed field today , it looks exactly as if a lot of pigs have been a-hoggin' and a-rootin' on it up . ’
11 Cisterns were belching and gurgling near by and a tap on the wall dripped into a bucket with a deep musical note .
12 His head lifted sharply as if an idea had struck him .
13 The European Commission of Human Rights will rule today on whether a complaint by The Sunday Times , The Observer , and The Guardian that the UK broke freedom of expression guarantees during the Spycatcher affair can go ahead .
14 Instead Beatrice retreated behind long translations of French poetry , light satire and erudite literary discussion , almost as if a part of her had died .
15 It had become part of each morning 's routine , almost as if a night 's absence — or a weekend 's — simply served to burnish his attractions .
16 It was so weird it made my hair stand on end ; it was almost as if a ghost had walked into the room .
17 Reader manipulation is another recurring feature that in some ways is obvious looking at how the book is written but as you 're reading the book you 're practically living in it and when you finish it 's almost as if a piece of your daily routine is missing and because it is an integral part of your life it is hard to distance yourself from it and analyse it .
18 That is , in the subject of proposition 55 ‘ thought ’ is opposed to ‘ reality ’ almost as if a language game as a whole could be said to be justified by something outside it .
19 Now that there is one , it 's a little late to get hysterical — better to accept the consolation that the animal has integrated itself into the landscape , almost as if a place was waiting for it .
20 To make matters worse , because he always does fail in his attempts to improve the situation , the sufferer convinces himself that he has nothing to look forward to but a lifetime of misery .
21 Later that month the draft report of the Cadbury Committee on Corporate Governance was published , calling for directors to report explicitly on whether a business is a going concern and for auditors to report on this statement .
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