Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 The soil should be kept moist , but never saturated , by sprinkling it gently with water from time to time .
2 Sexual need — sexual urge , libido , call it what you will — varies from person to person and , in the individual , varies somewhat from time to time .
3 The details of its internal structure varied somewhat from time to time , but the main lines remained fairly stable .
4 This means checking personally from time to time the output from your area , whether it be a shoelace , a bottle of beer , a written report , half an hour 's advice or a telephone call to a client .
5 Two-thirds of the BBC 's audience did so from time to time and a quarter of these were regular listeners .
6 Those appointed to the senior status of High Court judge will have acted as Recorders and will often have sat as Deputy High Court judges , having been invited to do so from time to time .
7 Indeed it is vital that they should do so from time to time .
8 Now to do that effectively I think it 's essential that I get you to participate in what 's happening so from time to time I 'm going to ask you to answer questions , sometimes by writing them down , sometimes by shows of hands erm sometimes by er reacting back erm to the questions that I ask .
9 Timber for construction needs to be acquired only from time to time , and enough firewood can be collected in one journey to last several months .
10 Crilly took me to the old town once ; it was a sooty place just north of the city , bordered by cakey cliffs and a greasy sliver of sea and a forlorn lighthouse jutting into the grey Irish sky , flashing blurry and red through the low clouds , omitting a lackadaisical moo only from time to time .
11 These people and their children differ from the so-called mixed race children only in terms of time , and are only a few generations removed from the point at which the mixture occurred .
12 While such solidarity may cause the nation to bind together from time to time as in 1940 , at present it-is of a divisive nature rather than unifying .
13 they could only snatch a few minutes together from time to time , usually when Daddy came over to Low Fields to look after the cattle , or during the haytiming .
14 Anchor ice accumulations , being less dense than sea water , break away from time to time and rise to the surface , carrying with them entrapped and frozen plants and animals , which gather in layers under the inshore floes .
15 There is little to distinguish between the Italian character dance and its demi - caractère form save only that heeled shoes are worn and thus from time to time take on a slightly Spanish flavour , the only difference perhaps being the more fluid way of phrasing and less rigidly accurate timing of the steps .
16 The cost is measured not just in terms of time spent away from the office but also by the inconvenience of leaving an office empty .
17 ( 2 ) A licensing board may adjourn any meeting held by virtue of subsection ( 1 ) above from time to time during the period of one month next following the first day of such meeting , but no longer .
18 She had already from time to time employed Mrs Rafferty , although the incredibly swift rate of her pregnancies made her appearances at Four Winds unpredictable .
19 Now that he knows it 's himself he ca n't help noticing the slightly ridiculous and embarrassing qualities — the way the young man frowns importantly as he talks about his job , and waves his arms about when he gets stuck for words ; and the way he smiles insincerely at Howard from time to time , and looks straight into his eyes in an effort to demonstrate that he is interested in Howard as well as himself .
20 Dyson could imagine Lord Boddy and the executives gathered around him putting deference aside from time to time in order to get on with the gardening , or to discipline some delinquent guardsman .
21 Er , the other thing is of course colleagues that the doors at the side are , are open for very good reasons and I mentioned yesterday from time to time that once we get er we get talking there 's a that goes and colleagues at the side of Congress have a great deal of difficulty in hearing and listening to the debate .
22 Thus in the above example , investors are willing to pay slightly more in terms of time value for calls than for puts but the difference is so slight that the indicator is in this case quite inconclusive .
23 I was a proper Mom at last , there when the kids came home from school with time to listen to them .
24 STUDENT golfer Michael Sinclair flew home from Hawaii in time to boost Knock 's chances of promotion to the match play stage of golf 's Premier Senior Cup championship today .
25 Instead , he had dropped her outside the Half Moon in Portesham , exchanged with her a few platitudes about the working week to come , then driven home to Radipole in time for tea with his mother .
26 Ethnographic research has special qualities suited to dealing with controversial topics in sensitive locations , for it entails a gradual and progressive contact with respondents , which is sustained over a long period , allowing a rapport to be established slowly with respondents over time , and for researchers to participate in the full range of experiences involved in the topic .
27 Among the canonist collectors and commentators at Bologna ( and probably also in Rome from time to time ) were the Englishmen , Gilbert and Alan , whose importance in canon law scholarship has been recognized only in recent years .
28 It was not too difficult in the 1960s and 1970s to discern such contradictions in the East European countries , in the form of conflicts among various social groups , and in particular a conflict — which appeared openly from time to time in strikes , protests or even insurrections , and was only with difficulty contained and repressed — between those who control and direct the overall development of society and those whose lives and work are thus planned and regulated from above .
29 For many businesses the administration of employees ' expense accounts can be an unwanted headache , both in terms of time spent and cost .
30 The completion date for the stage or project must be defined both in terms of time and criteria of success .
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