Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cost-benefit frameworks , especially for dealing with man-induced climatic effects ;
2 That is a ground which has not been urged upon me by counsel in this case and I do not rely upon that ground only in dealing with this matter .
3 There was one small woodworm-infested wardrobe , which could be reached only by squeezing with great difficulty past a huge , dirty-pink chest of drawers and a marble washstand with a big enamel jug and basin .
4 But it 's always worth checking with local councils and your college for possible vacant housing of this sort .
5 Thirty-two year old David Casey and his 30 year old wife Jacqueline were accused at the Magistrates Court yesterday of conspiring with other people to cause an explosion likely to endanger life .
6 Four masked men subjected two staff at a snooker club in waterloo Street , Newcastle , to a terrifying ordeal yesterday before escaping with several hundred pounds .
7 In particular , an Australian , Hugh Stretton , has put together popular revulsion against high-rise living with feminist ideas about the productivity of housework , and come to the conclusion that , if housework had a place in national accounting systems , then governments would be easily persuaded on economic grounds alone to invest more in housing with generous space standards and of a suburban style ( Stretton , 1974 ) .
8 Each side in turn went close to dispensing with extra time , Crown hitting a post then Paul Gascoigne having a chip turned on to the bar .
9 The only way to control it is to eradicate the carrier , usually by spraying with powerful insecticide .
10 Although governments may attempt to avoid these problems by framing legislation more specifically , the cost of doing so is not only greater complexity but also less adaptability , both for coping with new situations and for unforeseen cases .
11 Brian Burke , ALP state Premier from 1983 to 1988 , was singled out by the report for particular criticism for having acted improperly both in dealing with political donations from businesspeople and in his 1987 handling of the rescue of an investment bank run by Connell.The report also criticized Burke 's successor , Peter Dowding , and the last Liberal premier of the state ( in 1982-83 ) , Ray O'Connor .
12 Emerging from beneath the spray of the shower , she dried herself briskly before dressing with impatient fingers .
13 He insisted that the United States would have to learn to live as other nations had lived for centuries — namely by co-existing with powerful rivals under the protection offered by the balance of power .
14 There should be a chair at one of our universities researching solely into coping with long marriages .
15 It 's it 's got to be ca often work sideways from working with this door open ?
16 Marketed under ‘ The Friendly Forest Line ’ , this railway is well worth visiting with ordinary membership available at £10.00 , and juniors £3.00 .
17 I 've always grown vegetables for pleasure or necessity , and ( despite what purists suggest ) when pests strike they thrive even after spraying with boiled rhubarb leaves or marinaded fag ends or whatever , one reaches for modern chemicals to save the crop .
18 Particularly in dealing with civil service officials or elected political leaders there are obvious objections to assuming that their class origins and educational backgrounds decisively shape their political attitudes , and that their social origins and political attitudes jointly determine their policy-making behaviour ( Meier , 1975 ) .
19 So developed did the cult of personality in Northern Nigeria become that even in dealing with rude and warlike pagans it was bad form to stoop to securing their acquiescence in the will of the government by resort to force .
20 Subject to many small mistakes , the memoirs stand up well to cross-checking with other records .
21 Considerable effort was spent first on locating the appropriate soap powder and the pharmaceutical glycerine , and then on experimenting with proportionate mixtures and blowing techniques for producing the strongest bubbles .
22 Whereas the right of establishment entitles a company incorporated in one member state to set up agencies , branches and subsidiaries , without discrimination on grounds of nationality , in the territory of another , the purpose of the freedom to provide services is to enable a company established in one member state to do business in the territory of another without setting up agencies , branches or subsidiaries , and indeed without complying with all the rules and regulations of the second state , as explained below .
23 The new coal is expected to be used primarily for blending with higher-sulphur or dirtier types .
24 In the military sphere certain steps had been taken , which included strengthening air bases far beyond the normal requirements of the occupation , as for example in the extension of runways , allegedly for coping with B-36 bombers .
25 Instead of merging with each other , or one of the bigger concerns , in the early seventies three of the smaller firms signed affiliation agreements with the American Big Three as MITI opposition was overcome by political pressure for foreign capital liberalization .
26 So let us promote better health for the population that we have at present instead of experimenting with high-cost technology .
27 First , the file may not be able to support such complicated search conditions as a serial file , because the size of work area required to process a request is now much larger ; instead of dealing with one record at a time , the system now deals with all relevant records at once .
28 Labour leader John Smith yesterday accused Premier John Major of turning Britain into a Third World country , instead of competing with European neighbours .
29 Perhaps instead of competing with each other to sell their wares , Third World countries could get together and force the West to agree to a standard minimum price for commodity prices , like oil-producing countries did with OPEC .
30 Instead of complying with this order , the government ‘ distilled the specific accusations ’ it had identified in Aviv 's report and instructed each of the Federal agencies to respond to that ‘ distillation ’ with declarations that there was nothing to support it .
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