Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They would n't , the miners hardly got anything and there used to be soup kitchens for us and er when it first started in nineteen twenty six and er I was pregnant with my second one and I used to walk right down to Pit with a lace , great big lace basket , they would n't let the men fetch the coal and we had to push the coal from there right to the , oh they 've no idea love , no idea .
2 I s I was still only down to sort of eleven stone , but if I get to like ten stone
3 As things turned out , it was probably just as well that I was brought gently back to earth by Beryl , who from one of the Trust 's head offices masterminds the working holidays with military precision , advised me that the only available option was a 21-plus Acorn Project at Clumber park in Nottinghamshire .
4 ( And since Samling also has shipping interests , Barama will control the business from the actual felling right through to delivery to the customer . )
5 thing , for twenty four quid for a hundred and eight weeks , you 've got , you 've got to take that , think it 's coming on and learning , got the thing in there , start to progress it might get you , it 's gon na get to the point where he says right , you know you 've got them just about to sort of labour it 's , you know , accurately with a fair amount of speed now we 'll start sort of now being a bit adventurous , gon na get a lot more interesting .
6 So they only had two hours further on to go from The Two Mills then to Hollyhead basically .
7 I can think of no other person in the Anti-Apartheid Movement who knows more and is more up to date on the current situation in South Africa .
8 ‘ Your book ? ’ she enquired , doubtfully , angry with herself for allowing domesticity to prevent her from keeping more up to date with the literary news .
9 should allow two troops to be kept permanently up to strength for operations .
10 An oil rig tender also succeeded , after initial problems , in towing the tanker further out to sea to calmer waters , where the remaining oil was transferred to another tanker .
11 The next item of correspondence is just the minutes of benefits action and I , I think you 'll mostly up to date on those , on that .
12 Due to recent grant aid from the EC , Cavan Indoor Riding Centre , one of the most up to date in the country , has been attracting Ulster riders in their droves .
13 Peter Rice at agents Richard Ellis/Hepper Robinson in Liverpool said : ‘ This virtually new production facility is one of the most up to date in the northwest and will have special appeal to manufacturers requiring sprinklers and the other fire safety features .
14 From the moment the parade began we were applauded , and we were cheered every step of the way right up to dispersal at St George 's Hall .
15 As I understand it , GPs refer patients to individual consultants , usually to the older , more experienced man who may be slowing down , rather than to the younger , inexperienced newcomer who is right up to date with the latest hi-tech mod. con. , but is afforded scant opportunity to increase his experience .
16 Written by a team of physicians at the forefront of AIDS research in Britain , the fully revised 2nd Edition of this widely acclaimed atlas now brings you right up to date with the most significant developments and advances in AIDS research over the past two years .
17 4 At top of shoulder , where view ahead opens , wall joins on left : you can turn right up to summit of Carn Llidi ( f ) , but path is not defined near top .
18 In this first offensive act , what one wants is to inflict such casualties on the enemy that it will be possible later on to attack in depth , at certain chosen points , with superiority .
19 200 yds later , by another stile , fence veers half right , path turns right here , still uphill and now away from fence and bends right a few yards later up to stile into field .
20 ‘ You 'll go right back to school on Monday morning and finish Grade 12 .
21 Other stories about Dic , Little Dick the Carpenter — how he never got to a rugby match because there were too many pubs on the way , how he was burnt all over in a pit explosion , wrapped in bandages so that only his eyes and nostrils showed through — and bathed slowly back to health by his daughters who poured olive oil over him all the time , how he took his daughter Cecilia ( Cis ) to eisteddfods because he loved to hear her sing but how she pleaded with him ‘ not to stop anywhere and not to leave her in the hall ’ .
22 He was often down to earth in that way .
23 If you do not intend to return to nursing employment in the near future , then you can only remain as up to date with nursing theory as possible in anticipation of your planned return , and hope that the evidence you eventually provide of recent study is sufficient to convince the Board of your readiness to return .
24 Far out to sea to the west I saw the bright lights of the Athens boat .
25 Although fine material may be transported far out to sea in suspension , much of the coarser debris eroded from the cliffs or brought to the coast by the rivers accumulates on the beach , where it may be subjected to the constructive action of waves .
26 Whole communities were being , so to speak , lifted out of the mother country and planted down in villages already prepared for them , even down to food in the larder .
27 He went into the drink well out to sea off the island , by which time I was light on fuel and out of ammo .
28 Breeding on barren moorlands and tundra ; passing along coasts on passage , but well out to sea in winter , and rare inland after breeding .
29 Visibility was very poor and having been warned that barrage balloons were hoisted over the Liverpool area which had very recently suffered heavily in bombing raids , we went well out to sea before turning in to Speke , only to get entangled in a coastal convoy flying balloons .
30 Towards evening , Ian thought that he had better make certain that everything was in order , before the Colonel returned , and telephoned his friend : ‘ Now Ian , everything is just as fine as it should be ; you can tell the Colonel that his good lady will be well out to sea by now . ’
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