Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] to the time " in BNC.

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1 Right down to the time he was born . ’
2 Astrologers ( not including medium Jeanne Dixon ) were predicting re-election for President John F Kennedy right up to the time of his assassination .
3 Arrangements were further complicated by the arrival of an orthodox Bachad group who demanded a separate kosher kitchen all of their own , which they maintained right up to the time of their departure to Gwrych Castle at the outbreak of war .
4 All the information collected so far contributes to the reconstruction of the flight right up to the time of impact .
5 Their Lordships are both surprised and disappointed that , right up to the time when this appeal was heard by the Board , no information has been forthcoming to explain how the addendum came into existence and came to be typed , or whether this further statement was sought by the investigating authority or volunteered by the witness .
6 It made Beesley one of the best-known survivors of the disaster , and for fifty years — right up to the time I met him — he was regularly consulted by maritime historians , film researchers , journalists , souvenir hunters , bores , conspiracy theorists and vexatious litigants .
7 It maybe still the same now , erm because right up to the time I erm retired we , we had on occasions to pay for the residual value of a tyre , perhaps a bus had been in accident and the tyre had suffered damage which it was n't possible to repair it or retread it , perhaps a hole had been pierced through the wall , they scrapped that tyre and we had to pay for the residual value , mind you being in accident we could then claim it off the insurance company but , so right up to the time I retired that 's how tyres were paid for .
8 It maybe still the same now , erm because right up to the time I erm retired we , we had on occasions to pay for the residual value of a tyre , perhaps a bus had been in accident and the tyre had suffered damage which it was n't possible to repair it or retread it , perhaps a hole had been pierced through the wall , they scrapped that tyre and we had to pay for the residual value , mind you being in accident we could then claim it off the insurance company but , so right up to the time I retired that 's how tyres were paid for .
9 Her friend came in and said ‘ Reach for the sky ’ and pretended he had a gun and she played along with him right up to the time they left together .
10 With respect , there is much to be said for the minority view expressed by Lord Pearce which is based upon certainty in transactions and would not expose the parties to shifts in scientific knowledge right up to the time of trial .
11 It stands gaunt and grey , but today has found a peaceful role in the new Arbon , housing a museum which illustrates life in the area right back to the time of the Roman and beyond .
12 He sounded people out and found the responses favourable , so he set about to prepare the finest survey to have been carried out on Manchester up to that time and indeed up to the time of Charles Roeder 's article , late in the 19th century .
13 Because there are so few cells and a well-defined pattern , it is possible to follow the lineage and fate of every cell at least up to the time of gastrulation .
14 Where they are still organized separately from social services , education welfare officers can sum up an area 's state of mind as well as help — or question — individual families , at least up to the time when centralized social work services are cut back .
15 Protein is stored in the body and blood fats increase steadily up to the time of birth .
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