Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] [to-vb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the length of the pause that followed , before he opened his eyes and looked dazedly down to see what fate had granted him , he went in some devout fear of his deserving .
2 Already he was well enough off to pay his army , with 6d [ 2.5p ] a day for the rank and file and 1s 0d [ 5p ] for the gentry , and soon after Prestonpans a ship bringing money , arms and a French ambassador-cum-political-adviser arrived at Montrose , 62 miles [ 99 km ] from Edinburgh , followed by two others carrying six field guns and a number of Irish officers .
3 FACED by rocketing inflation and the worst recession ever , Courtaulds Coatings , Brazil , is going all out to protect its markets and improve performance .
4 The terrorists were obviously about to fire their weapon and it was aimed at the main grandstands .
5 And they 're all about to do their silver .
6 ‘ All that mob , they 're just out to get their names in the papers and make millions off human desperation with vitamin cures .
7 He watched closely as the emperor rose from his throne , and when he saw him bow low in his direction , he allowed a little smile of polite acknowledgment to play across his face before he turned and strode majestically back to join his entourage .
8 Emma just like sprawled on her back and Scott with his back to the camera obviously just about to undo his flies and pork her .
9 Can be proved by describing the duty being performed , e.g. ‘ I said to John Brown ‘ You are being arrested for conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace ’ and was just about to hold his arm and caution him when he struck me in the face with his left fist etc . ’
10 And Clara , as she went down , felt that perhaps her nervousness was just about to outweigh her anticipation .
11 Just about to take my test , sir .
12 ‘ Why he gets involved with other people 's troubles , I 'll never know , ’ she continued in happy ignorance that she was just about to put her foot in it .
13 I was just about to put my papers away , when he said he had something ‘ delicate ’ to talk about .
14 ‘ Not this evening , ’ said Joe , ‘ I 'm just about to have my meal . ’
15 They 're only statues — I know that — but they look really real , just like a real family sitting round a table just about to eat their Christmas lunch .
16 When she reached there she found that Ann and Ruth had been joined by several other girls , including Sarah , and were just about to start their game .
17 It flew dead straight , and was just about to begin its descent towards Belinda 's desk when Jason Drew , who was sitting immediately behind Belinda , put his hand up to ask a question .
18 I am just about to tell you Q A P U quan quango , it 's a Q U A N G O semi public body with financial support from and senior appointments made by government .
19 Playing with Darcy , the 33-year-old Dubliner dropped a shot early on to see his lead reduced by two shots .
20 The sea was a mass of foam with so many bodies stirring it up , and some of the men ventured further out to try their skills at swimming .
21 Ronni sighed , once more about to protest her innocence .
22 With the seat right back to fit my legs in , rear legroom is virtually non-existent , and being and tall and friendly chap ( sic ) , this is far from ideal .
23 ‘ I know you will , honey , ’ she murmured , fondly brushing the pale blonde curls from the child 's brow before walking slowly back to rejoin her friend .
24 Gould found he ‘ had arrived at a good time , the birds having just commenced breeding ’ , and was immediately off to resume his researches with Natty and Jemmy in the cedar brushes of the Liverpool Range and on the nearby stretches of the Dart Brook .
25 Lexandro and his companions were simply about to test their reflexes , their accuracy , their control of the power suits .
26 and erm it was then up to decide what company was going to handle the promotion .
27 whatever so there was something to keep them occupied and erm you know have a bag and as soon as they got fed up with that right you 'd get something else out to take their interest and
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