Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To my mind , ’ she wrote , ‘ he has all the qualities of a leading man that the British film industry badly needs at this juncture : youth , good looks , a photogenic face , obviously alert intelligence and a trick of getting the maximum effect with the minimum of fuss . ’
2 The route was wet , holds had to be dug out and they thought it Severe — the same grade Hargreaves and MacPhee had given their ascent of Deer Bield Crack ( one of the Lakeland 's hardest climbs at that time ) the previous year .
3 The committal — this is a preliminary hearing in a magistrates ' court and little information usually emerges at this stage .
4 ‘ It is n't impossible for love not to hurt but it usually does at some point , ’ she said with a sigh .
5 Moreover , in showing us what he loves about Tbe Faerie Queene , he shows us in embryo what he hardly knows at this point himself : the sort of books which he himself will excel at .
6 The Jewish civil year still begins at this time , but since the exodus from Egypt the Jewish ecclesiastical year has begun with the month Nisan at the spring equinox .
7 On the same date the exhibition of Ray Smith 's sculpture also closes at that space .
8 Although homoeopathy can work deeply into the organism , and can affect the deeper emotional , mental and spiritual levels , therapies more specifically aimed at developing the spiritual aspects of human beings may well be needed in addition as the root of the cancer problem often lies at this level .
9 The discussion frequently ends at this point , but the response either way should be recorded .
10 It is possible to see the weather from a long way off , but as the people at Old Slains know , the weather then arrives at such speed over the surface of the North Sea that seeing it approach seems hardly sufficient warning .
11 When the output is at that saturation level for which the diode is biased forward , the capacitor can not charge and the output therefore remains at that saturation level .
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