Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] at [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He is encouraged to go on with the process of living ( line 60 ) and perhaps hints at compensation for suffering in an after-life .
2 Furthermore , he agreed that after the trials and tribulations of the previous 29 months since taking over from Bobby Robson , he finally feels at ease with himself and the job .
3 The Dalai Lama has sought to secure an agreement with the Chinese Government for the future autonomy of Tibet , which effectively exists at present in name only .
4 Although her mum was upset and her dad was cross they did n't chuck her out but have been very supportive and she still lives at home with her two-year-old son .
5 Despite the growth of research into everyday memory and memory in applied settings ( e.g. Gruneberg , Morris & Sykes , 1978 , 1988a , 1988b ) and the research and theorising which has been done over some 50 years on the psychology of driver behaviour , there has been virtually no research which directly looks at memory in driving .
6 The popular health movement also looks at health in a holistic way — the physical , mental and spiritual aspects .
7 The space-sharing Dutch and German schemes in residential areas do just this whilst the ‘ winkelerf ’ approach to shopping precincts also aims at integration of foot and wheeled traffic .
8 The case studies by Rapp , Berry and Temple ( 1973 ) which were referred to earlier in this chapter also illustrate all the major reasons for failure of conservation in Tanganyika and post-colonial Tanzania - technical incompetence and incompatibility with existing agricultural practice has already been mentioned — also attempts at coercion of peasants to build erosion works ( p. 1 17 , 250 ) , and a lack of participation , with an excess of petty restrictions ( p. 251 ) .
9 She married Allan Macdonald in 1750 and now lies at rest in the churchyard at Kilmuir , near Duntulm Castle ; beneath a white granite , Iona cross , and her winding sheet , the same sheet that softened Charles Edward Stewart 's rest during his first night on Skye .
10 Cunningham to the Secretary of the Admiralty on the surrender of the Italian fleet in 1943 : ‘ Be pleased to inform their Lordships that the Italian battlefleet now lies at anchor under the guns of the fortress of Malta . ’
11 If he now loses at home to Portugal it could prove a mortal wound .
12 The tenor of Goody 's general statements on literacy often seems at variance with such caveats , but even couched in these terms the argument is overstated .
13 The final day of this particular stream then looks at entrepreneurship in IT .
14 But Carson is also suggesting how the fantasized desire for the ‘ other ’ actually begins at home as a domestic projection ; how fantasy is ineradicably social and , as such , susceptibility to stereotypes of all kinds , including racial and racist ones ; how fantasy of and for the other exemplifies the mobilities of desire and identification .
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