Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] a [adj] part " in BNC.

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1 IL-8 presumably plays an important part in neutrophil diapedesis through vascular endothelium and focal recruitment at inflamed sites .
2 The extent to which either the adult or child within plays a significant part in our lives depends greatly on our own upbringing .
3 Isolating stallions from other horses obviously plays a large part in the aggression and even viciousness some stallions display towards mares .
4 Experience of being in the pew naturally plays an important part in forming perceptions of how to plan and conduct worship , and the place of music within it .
5 At the cessation of the solo passage , if the instrument continues to play but only has a subordinate part , it is a good plan to place an asterisk at the point where the prominent passage ends .
6 It also encourages the community to anticipate such changes and so achieves a good part of the benefit of change without the waste of litigation , or the expensive , uncertain , and awkward process of legislation .
7 Practical work is an important part of the education of all engineers and so forms an integral part of all four years of the course .
8 Matrix sampling is also used , such that each student only takes a small part of the total battery of tests .
9 ‘ Every individual here tonight has a key part to play in this great plan .
10 Without calling for one 's whole attention , it so persistently demands a small part of it that concentration on anything else is ruled out .
11 Music still plays a large part in his life and one of the great thrills of filming Consenting Adults was the opportunity to jam with Atlanta blues musicians .
12 We do not have to go quite so far afield to find another language which still plays a considerable part in our daily conversation .
13 The musical tradition of Free Churches originated in the singing of metrical psalms by the whole congregation , and psalm-singing still plays an important part in their worship .
14 In Central South we 're landlocked but boating still plays an important part in our leisure and local economy … so let's set sail to London to see the show
15 And maybe the referee still has a vital part to play as another breathtaking Anfield night unfolds .
16 It still has an important part to play but as a secondary negotiator possibly as an underwriter to any arrangement Israel may reach with the Palestinians .
17 Mr Bill Dixon Smith ( Tory ) used to be a near neighbour until recently , but although I understand he is still in the area I have no idea if he still takes an active part in the council elections .
18 The old Port Mill still forms an important part of that complex , and to Bensons ' credit , is beautifully maintained and landscaped .
19 It also plays a prominent part in preventive work through the vaccination and immunization programme designed to give children protection against crippling diseases such as poliomyelitis and the damaging effects that can follow relatively mild diseases such as measles .
20 The space between the fly sheet and inner dome also plays a major part in eradicating condensation , a problem which we have all encountered from time to time .
21 Weaving also plays an essential part in the practical life of the tribe , providing the floor coverings , tent hangings , bags and functional artifacts that constitute the furniture and furnishings of the nomadic way of life .
22 Symbolism also plays an important part of ‘ Great Expectations ’ .
23 Money also plays an important part of marriage .
24 Phospholipase A2 ( PLA2 ) is the rate limiting enzyme in the formation of prostaglandins and probably plays a key part in the pathology of various inflammatory diseases .
25 When it comes down to it , common sense also has a major part to play .
26 Although the visuals are the most important part of film-making , sound also has an important part to play , and music can be used as a powerful creator of mood and atmosphere .
27 History is the major discipline of the course ; politics also forms a substantial part , and there is a subsidiary social science component .
28 Fieldwork also forms an integral part of the curriculum .
29 Although the area is best known for its superb Ordovician basic pillow lavas , the rock sequence also spans a large part of the history of the Lower Palaeozoic Welsh Basin .
30 If only Cassan can get him safely through the speed leg , which so often plays a decisive part in the overall result , he looks as though he would relish the bigger obstacles expected for the second and third legs .
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