Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] a [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 However , the diversity of the range of information and its potentially extensive scope do require consideration of the methods by which the data may be collected and thereby offers an opportunity for the development of more creative ways of defining and discussing with older people these various areas of their lives .
2 Herein lies a paradox for the classical view .
3 Nothing so unfits a woman for producing good work , or for living usefully .
4 The user merely supplies a title for the product and LIFESPAN allocates a product identifier to it .
5 Barbel Bohley , a founder of the New Forum reform group , said on West German television that ‘ one has the feeling that it only needs a spark for everything to blow up here ’ .
6 Andrew Lawrence , sales manager from Pest Control London South , obviously has a liking for water .
7 The local council says he only has a licence for the fruit , and he needs another one to sell greens .
8 Prior to that it only has a potential for value .
9 But as President Bush puts more goods on the counter for us with his TV spiel about ’ … our culture , our sense of history … rolling green fields , sandy white beaches , red-hot jazz , ’ is he selling caviare to a market that only has an appetite for candy floss ?
10 The point at issue in the second case was the fundamental one of whether the Directive compels an employee to transfer when the employing enterprise is sold or whether the Directive merely creates an option for the employee to transfer .
11 She already holds a commendation for her part in rescuing a rottweiler dog .
12 In marginal constituencies the smoothness of the campaigning machine can make the difference between success or failure , and the Conservative Party generally has a reputation for efficient , well-financed organization .
13 The site already has a licence for waste disposal , but Leigh says that it is now considering the future of the site .
14 Mitsubishi already has a robot for cleaning sea water intakes at power stations .
15 The council already has a site for houses .
16 The centre already has a cycle for the less able and two tandems used to transport disabled and blind visitors .
17 The UK software firm , based in Bath , already has an installer for the Sparc RISC chip under its belt ( UX No 389 ) — it used a Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc workstation running SunOS to do the job .
18 This column supports no party : it just has a option for the poor — in heart , spirit , wealth or opportunity .
19 A problem arises if the seller ( i.e. the person who puts the goods into the sale ) imposes a reserve price and the auctioneer nevertheless accepts a bid for less than the reserve price .
20 Althusser actually says that an ideal explanation would map out the relations between different factors down to and including individuals , and thus outlines a programme for a perfect social theory which would account for the parts played by individuals in social organisation and change .
21 Can I just say sir , we are , er , the manager is preparing a report , tonight plans a report for the February the twenty-second meeting of policy resources committee , on the first , well it 's not the first year , first tranche of the F M contract , and dealing with these points of the
22 As a first step in closing this gap , the study brings together into coherent order existing data on informal relationships in Britain , and thus provides a context for future research .
23 The wall thus provides a template for the pattern of the migrating cells .
24 The discovery of an animal population with a skewed sex ratio thus triggers a search for an explanation of an unnatural condition .
25 Moreover , a substantial proportion of the council housing built on low-density suburban estates in the inter-war period has now been incorporated into the owner-occupied sector and no longer provides a route for lower-income households wanting to move into the suburbs .
26 This method effectively computes a profile for each probe and contig , indicating the most probable region of the contig on the map .
27 To achieve this aim , the CAP always guarantees a price for certain types of produce , so that , even if the produce sells at a poor price or is not sold at all , the farmer receives the going rate .
28 Accordingly a premium payable on redemption of preference shares usually constitutes a distribution for tax purposes ( see s210 TA 1988 ) .
29 This always offers an opportunity for someone to attempt to see these serious conflagrations in a wider context , and this has been taken by Dr Grace Simpson as evidence of an uprising of the tribes of Wales ( Simpson , 1964 ) , although the archaeological support from other sites is very tenuous .
30 Portillo , who has been described as tinder dry economically and the most talented right-wing politician of his generation , still holds a candle for Margaret Thatcher in the Cabinet .
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