Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] the [noun] system " in BNC.

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1 The engineering approach not only includes the road system designs that are debated in this book , but also incorporates attempts to modify the vehicles .
2 Not only does the promotion system mean that people who rise to the top are likely to have just those personal characteristics it takes to commit corporate crime , but these are also reinforced by the psychological consequences of success itself , for these too free a person from the moral bind of conventional values .
3 Business no longer understands the examination system and its grades and it bemoans the continually changing scene ; GCE adding CSE , becoming GCSE adding key stage 4 , etc .
4 Ceausescu 's aim in issuing such a threat was probably to frighten Hungary , but Romania already has the delivery system in the form of Soviet built Scud missiles and is believed to be developing its own missile with the help of Egypt and Iraq .
5 The presence of the continuous parameter v and the space derivative a/az clearly endows the Maxwell-Bloch system with a phase space amply large enough for chaotic behaviour : our first priority is to constrain the phase space by examining various idealised limits .
6 Water management is the major part of fishkeeping — but I do have this fantasy about keeping it to the minimum and this partly explains the filtration system I am suggesting , based on a fairly standard undergravel .
7 Mario also maintains the drainage system behind the two toilets in the statue itself , plus the one at its foot , that cater for about 1.8 million visitors every year .
8 This severely distorts the incentive system within the organization : since their efforts are judged and rewarded on the basis of functional criteria , middle managers have the incentive to pursue functional ( sub-global ) goals beyond levels that are optimal from the corporate ( global ) point of view .
9 The original 's brilliant sense of involvement has been retained , and really does the Master System proud .
10 The company says the stuff now provides the run-time system and development tools needed to build and deploy Unix-based OLTP applications and integrates Tuxedo with SQL and XA-compliant data management products .
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