Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Profitboss rarely turns down an invitation to speak at a conference , seizing the opportunity to present his company in the best light , to fine-tune his own professional skills .
2 The Bank , by rejecting offers at r 1 , is in effect reducing its demand for bills ( D 1 to D 2 ) , and thereby drives up the rediscount rate to r 2 .
3 The saliva dries and hardens quickly and with repeated flights , the bird slowly builds up the line into a low wall .
4 There is also evidence that TV , as a technology which works by electronic scanning , effectively shuts down the functioning of those parts of the brain that reason and think actively and logically — the skills that have been associated with the left hemisphere of the brain .
5 This obviously represents only a proportion of criminal activity in Britain since a number of crimes remain undetected and a number of offenders are not convicted .
6 The hon. Member for Barrow and Furness ( Mr. Franks ) in the course of an extremely lengthy spech did not answer the question asked by my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , North ( Mr. Corbyn ) about fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh and eighth Trident nuclear submarines , which only points up the fact that this nation needs a programme of conversion from arms manufacture to material for peaceful purposes .
7 The first merely points out the difficulties with scepticism ; the internalist would accept this and say that these difficulties have to be faced and not ignored .
8 You should remember that a fridge does n't kill bacteria , only slows down the rate at which they multiply .
9 A good catalogue , therefore , makes life easy for its user , and so builds up the supplier 's reputation .
10 I think Doctor only sits once a month , and
11 Women 's seemingly paradoxical behaviour merely drives home the point that there are profound contradictions and complexities of position to be unravelled before we can get further in our understanding of the road to divorce .
12 Each mobile electron in the system is represented by a point in k space such that the vector from the origin to the point is proportional to the electron 's momentum , and so represents both the magnitude and direction of the momentum .
13 This is made worse by the fact that few butchers hang their lamb these days , despite the fact that it only needs about a week to bring on the flavour .
14 Television , especially highlights both the strengths and defects of the modern player , and the papers continue the process of daily analysing players and teams .
15 ‘ If Pakistan have cheated , ’ said Selvey , ‘ then so has virtually every seam bowler who has played first-class cricket .
16 However , in terms of formulating what happens next ( as required by a continuation study ) , the constraint is soft in that it only raises both the probability of the two characters playing the same role in an elaborated representation .
17 It should be noted that this grouping of sixth-century metalwork includes nearly all of the known examples , and only raises again the question of how similar items have to be for us to be able to distinguish the skills of one workshop as opposed to the learned traditions of a single society .
18 A plan like this not only shows up the priority areas and assists a sensible organisation of the workload ; it also shows where effort should be concentrated and helps in the measurement of success .
19 One species of beetle in Brazil , when alarmed , immediately folds up its legs and flattens itself sideways , exposing its white underside and so takes on the appearance of a bird dropping .
20 Why do n't we take out from access , so takes out a job number , sorry from accounts and just say take out a job number .
21 The gaming world in part consists of four main islands ( there are rumours of more ! ) and this nicely breaks up the game and avoids the feeling of a bland and repetitive world , ( why does that Island concept ring a bell ? ) and you move from Island to Island by looking at a map and selecting your destination ( sounds VERY familiar ! ) .
22 ‘ She obviously gets quite a thrill from racing .
23 The kitten suddenly flings out a paw and scoops the object up into the air and backwards over its shoulder .
24 The sea is a jeweller and cutter of gems who daily draws back the green felt covers and displays his precious work and then jealously hides them again with the green covers of the waves .
25 However , it is important to realise that it is very difficult for a speaker to make a syllable louder without changing other characteristics of the syllable such as those explained below ( ii-iv ) ; if one literally changes only the loudness , the perceptual effect is not very strong .
26 The gonococcus , a micro-biological master of male chauvinism , not only gives virtually no clues as to its presence in an infected female , but , should she attend a clinic or specialist for the purposes of diagnosis , it will only reveal itself m-some 50 per cent of cases at the first visit compared to well over 90 per cent of cases in males .
27 Unfortunately , that kind of writing went out of fashion almost instantly , and certainly in the nineteen twenties and thirties , was replaced by a completely different tradition , which has er , influenced our expectations and perhaps explains why the book seems so old fashioned .
28 The following remark of Dennis Altman 's , even if not strictly correct historically , rightly implies how the negation of desire and the negation of difference are in practice often inseparable : ‘ the original purpose of the categorization of homosexuals as people apart was to project the homosexuality in everyone onto a defined minority as a way of externalizing forbidden desires and reassuring the majority that homosexuality is something that happens to other people ’ ( Homosexualization , 72 ) .
29 Section 0403 below sets out the procedures to be followed in determining if a client is a corporate finance client .
30 Indeed the Customer Service Charter featured below sets out the level of service we strive to sustain .
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