Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [adj] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 No more than one LM granule needs to be used in preparing the stock bottle since Hahnemann says ‘ one rarely needs more than a single globule of appropriately dynamised medicine ’ ( para. 248a . ) .
2 In the case of household waste , the price rarely covers more than a fraction of the cost of collection and sorting .
3 Derived from two Persian words — zar and nim ( half ) — it literally means one and a half zars .
4 HERE ARE two compilations whose existence obviously means more than a desperate milking of the public udders .
5 With domestic cats it means that , every so often , the old ‘ standby ’ diet suddenly becomes unattractive and a brief change is required .
6 Dun Telve is now in Government care : much remains intact but a large part of its stone was robbed by local farmers in centuries past .
7 The operation , which normally takes two and a half hours , lasted twice as long , allowing the surgeons and systems engineers to mix the robot technology with traditional procedures .
8 The life of this Government still has four and a half years to run , a terrifying prospect for us all .
9 The basic structures of several pavilions have yet to be completed and the biggest universal exposition ever mounted still bears more than a passing resemblance to a building site — albeit a very colourful one .
10 It always seems funny when a Rottweiler guards for the first time , barking loudly , usually backing off , not quite sure if he is doing the right thing .
11 In the past , the guards have smacked of overkill , since it rarely takes more than a baton charge with their lathi sticks to quell the traditional rotten orange barrage that welcomes most touring teams .
12 Not only does a diesel engine consume less of the world 's oil resources , but — provided it is regularly serviced — also lasts longer than a petrol engine .
13 It later becomes clear that a dummy head can produce dramatic results only when recording sounds from close quarters , such as whispers or sound effects .
14 Yet he also makes clear that a number of the best poets in his anthology were unbothered by developments in London : ‘ Some homely writers had clearly never heard about the requirements of polite taste ’ [ ECWP , p. xxvi ] .
15 A spokesperson for Upjohn says that the company prefers to maintain an independent anti-AIDS programme , which now receives more than a fifth of the corporate budget for drug discovery research .
16 This now contributes more than a third of Zurich 's total premium income , and well over 40% of its non-life business .
17 Malaysia now produces more than a third of the world 's 's palm oil , and oil palm nuts make an attractive food for the Malayan wood rat ( Rattus tiomanicus ) , the ricefield rat ( Rattus argentiventer ) , and the little rat ( Rattus exulans ) .
18 Transcendental Meditation now has three and a half million followers worldwide .
19 He now has less than a month to ‘ re-engage ’ the negotiations before the United States imposes a savage and crippling 200pc trade tariff on £200m of imported European goods .
20 Having made a perfect pain of myself ( not very hard ) on the Edelrid stand last year , it 's good to see their Full Carbon Helmet now has elastic and a headtorch clip front and back .
21 Their inherent vulnerability in many societies — a condom often costs more than a prostitute — is often encouraged in political manipulations of religious precepts .
22 It now seems likely that a committee of inquiry into the hours and working practices of the Commons , staffed by senior MPs from all sides , could be announced shortly by the government .
23 It now seems likely that a ‘ joint list ’ of green candidates for local government posts will only be submitted in the Paris region , and the Alsace , An agreement reached in October 1982 that would have linked the Amis De La Terre ( AT ) , the Confederation Ecologiste and the Mouvement D'Ecologie Politique ( Now VPE ) disintegrated last month when it became clear that the VPE wanted to have a dominant say over its two partners .
24 They point out that the acquisition , which now comprises more than a quarter of the MAC 's permanent collection , is of extremely uneven quality , but the MAC policy practically forbids deaccessioning .
25 Well weighs ten and a half !
26 But I said to her she never gets higher than a commended cos , she knows it 's cos of her weight .
27 Mystery Miguel , they call him , and he never does more than a couple of songs .
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