Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] [prep] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 As the person through whom all orders for purchases from project grants must pass , this is clearly a key position in the project 's structure .
2 Although this jurisdiction is a concomitant of its appellate jurisdiction under the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 , the Act only provides for appeals from the Court of Appeal to the House of Lords from appeals heard by the Court of Appeal .
3 However , this will not be necessary if the bidder already has in place from its last AGM an authority to issue sufficient shares for the rights issue ( without , if necessary , complying with the strict requirements of s89 ) .
4 To help with raising this portion of the budget , Highlander has a regular mailing list for donations , distributes nearly 7,000 mailed copies of the ‘ Highlander Newsletter , ’ and generates a certain amount by ‘ self-sufficiency ’ i.e. profits from the sale of records , books , cattle , and from farm produce which is surplus to requirements The donations from the ‘ Public ’ source also form a significant part of the total running budget of Highlander , and this generally consists of awards from Charitable organisations , Trusts and Foundations interested in adult education , leadership development , or specifically sympathetic to the aims of particular programs , ( e.g funding for cultural exchange workshops ) .
5 However , sexual abuse of children clearly differs in nature from physical abuse : the perpetrators are mostly male , the victims mostly female , ( although the number of cases of boys being abused in this way is growing ) , and understanding the origins of such abuse must lie within an understanding of sexuality and the distribution of power within our society .
6 Coal also suffers from competition from gas , which is more environmentally friendly , and — as we have heard this evening — is becoming far more important in terms of baseload electricity generation in the near future .
7 The scale of the troop rotation now being completed probably also stems in part from worry that some regional commanders were getting too well dug in .
8 As part of its operation , OSO also relies on feedback from companies which have gained first-hand experience of trading in specific markets .
9 But HP also hopes for sales from heavy transaction processing users , taking advantage of MPE 's 20% to 30% performance advantage when running commercial TP applications , and from mainframe downsizers , more comfortable with MPE 's mature systems management infrastructure when compared to Unix .
10 The college also caters for students from other parts of Wirral .
11 Second , and also predictably , the average size of the fragments present at any one point also decreases with distance from the vent .
12 Apart from its assonantic association with the heavily symbolic ‘ parrot ’ ( discussed more fully above in reference to Skelton 's Speke , Parot ) , the name also reverberates with nuances from the French language .
13 It encompasses an internal exploration of a personal history within a culture and inevitably differs in scale from much of the ‘ anthropology at home ’ which has become one of the genres of the 1980s .
14 Stan now trades in fossils from many countries .
15 Failure to deal with these matters on the grant of the lease often leads to complaints from adjoining tenants and sometimes to an action against the landlord for derogation from his grant .
16 The account of global politics that I have given here derives in part from such a paradigm , in which I emphasize the importance throughout the twentieth century of the opposition between capitalism and socialism , and more generally between those processes and policies which tend either to increase or to diminish inequality in its diverse forms , within societies and in the world as a whole .
17 His model here comes of course from his early anthropological studies of Kabylia in Algeria .
18 The ch'i however varies in density from person to person , and the line that I should follow may be hard to discern through the turbid obscuring ch'i of which I am composed .
19 The collection of the Archäologisches Landesmuseum currently consists of exhibits from the Stone Age to pieces from the Ludwigsburg porcelain factory .
20 It is still the case that the economy is determinant ‘ in the last instance ’ , but the economy never functions in isolation from the other instances .
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