Example sentences of "[adv] [was/were] [vb pp] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thus were explained anatomically the enormous jaws , high cheek bones , prominent superciliary arches , solitary lines on the palms , extreme size of the orbits , handle-shaped or sessile ears found in criminals , savages and apes , insensibility of pain , extremely acute sight , tattooing , excessive idleness , love of orgies and the irresistible craving for evil for its own sake …
2 The site was sold to Vickers for £300,000 in 1946 and thus was brought about the end of a motor racing legend .
3 Thus was ushered in the era of management in the development game .
4 ( If more volume really were needed then the direct outputs could be fed to a stereo power amp and then to additional speakers , but I 'm sure Marshall have aimed the S80 at a specific player who would find its volume adequate and who , if he or she needed more , would probably upgrade to a more powerful Marshall product . )
5 The kids in the band whose guitar it really was set up a look-out in The Roebuck and , of course , they spotted him .
6 Its annual fairs and three weekly markets brought sellers and purchasers from miles around and goods from overseas were brought up the river Ouse right into the heart of the city , York remained one of the leading provincial centres , despite its decline to less than 8,000 people in the 1520s after the collapse of its cloth industry and the decay of its overseas trade .
7 In 1284 his responsibility for the operations launched a year earlier was put on a permanent footing with the grant of 3s. 0d. a day for life and a future widow 's pension of 1s. 6d. a day for his wife Ambrosia should she survive him .
8 Er but that were full of praise for the activities of the fire service in particular and whilst most was levelled out the N R A Southern Water to some extent District local authority er were coping incredibly well and continue to do so .
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