Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As an adult garment printed at actual size will cover many sheets of A4 paper , you will probably only want to print at actual size if the print is to be used in conjunction with a charting device or if you design intarsia .
2 In many service businesses there is a growing number of people who do not necessarily want to progress in traditional career terms .
3 A church setting would undoubtedly have been more atmospheric than the shocking pink of the BBC Concert Hall , but then listeners to the broadcast will only need to worry about aural aesthetics .
4 The system can only attempt to deal with possible errors of recognition or spelling .
5 All that is required is a little local clustering , of a sort that will naturally tend to arise in natural populations .
6 ‘ Okay then what can I really do for you ? — or did you just want to talk about old times ? ’
7 God has gone ahead of us to provide , in the suffering and death of his Son , all the special grace we may individually need to cope with evil and the abuse of love .
8 When they could no longer claim to act with royal backing they were dangerously vulnerable .
9 When they could no longer claim to act with royal backing they were dangerously vulnerable .
10 By the same token , the treaty arrangements that these countries may individually wish to make with other states must be matters for them .
11 STATE schools are being forced to turn away children whose parents can no longer afford to pay for private education .
12 Even in northern England the urban unemployed could easily turn to work on nearby farms in the summer : the striking weavers of Padiham ( Lancashire ) in 1859 supported themselves by hay-making .
13 In a recent survey , finance directors were asked what change they would most like to see in corporate governance .
14 Schools will still want to capitalise on topical events , and special celebrations .
15 Outmoded this view might be , but most of us would still prefer to try on new clothes , wax hair off our legs , perform our ablutions or put on make-up in private .
16 The panel apparently chose not to have a permanent chairman on two grounds : first because it was believed that subgroups would quickly emerge to focus on particular issues and events and that these would evolve their own arrangements , and secondly to avoid the possibility of particular individuals dominating proceedings .
17 He goes on to say ‘ The pastness of the past , then , depends upon a historical sensibility which can hardly begin to operate without permanent written records ’ ( ibid . ) .
18 The relationship of literacy to these supposed changes from limited to more developed states is described in terms which implicitly tend towards determinism , despite explicit denials : literacy ‘ fosters ’ a ‘ spirit of enquiry ’ ( 1968 , p. 14 ) ; it ‘ can not but enforce ’ a more ‘ objective definition of what was and what is ’ ( ibid. p. 34 ) ; historical sensibility ‘ can hardly begin to operate without permanent written records ’ ( ibid. ) ; the existence of an elite group ‘ followed from the difficulty of the writing system ’ ( ibid. p. 37 ) ; ‘ logic ’ seemed to be ‘ a function of writing ’ ( 1977 , p. 11 ) etc .
19 The finale he takes at one of the fastest speeds on record ( 1'08 ’ ) , creating , without recourse to pedal haze and with only the slightest dynamic gradations within Chopin 's requested sotto voce e legato , as haunting an impression of the eerie intangibility of eddying ‘ wind over graves ’ as you could ever hope to hear from human fingers .
20 You may also want to know about free condoms and clean needles etc .
21 The class may also need to know about important background dates like the date of the Second World War , and so on .
22 Midwives or health visitors may also need to advise on other family members ' needs to ensure they are not being overlooked , and these may include practical childcare for a newborn baby and the feelings of the partner adjusting to being a parent .
23 ‘ Although it is likely that future gains will be more modest , profitability will be robust , ’ it said , adding that the industry can also expect to benefit from growing demand , especially from canny corporate customers , and from balanced regulation — public service commissions are increasingly approving alternative regulatory plans which permit the companies to boost earnings above a targeted level , provided they improve efficiency and share earnings gains with their subscribers .
24 In other words the members would also begin to collaborate on foreign policy matters .
25 A fair voting system , which we would also like to see in local government , would mean that it would be unlikely that there would ever be extremist Labour councils .
26 The council may also decide to invest in guided buses , latter-day trolley buses , which do not incur the heavy costs of disturbing underground cable , pipes and sewers , that a comprehensive LRT network would .
27 Dealers may also wish to consider including appropriate and reasonable exemption clauses in their supply contracts with respect to advice-giving computer systems .
28 I do intend to er to attend inaugural meetings with each of the C P O s er with a view to looking I mean obviously at some stages you said to me that I would probably have to attend at short notice
29 A biomaterial may also have to function for long periods of time in the body .
30 Among other things , he will also have to handle with great sensitivity the issue of women 's ministry .
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