Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 While the region has traditionally written off 5 per cent of rates or poll tax bad debts — this year it could be £15 million — the finance director , Tony Taylor , promised yesterday that the council would vigorously pursue non-payers for the rest of the cash .
2 And they used to stage , well when we used to go for a penny the stage , they used to perhaps have competitions for the childrens what used to want to go on .
3 ‘ With the Cold War over , and the Communist Party divided , we can no longer give excuses for the shortcomings of the system , the lack of accountability .
4 Some of the changes and crises of midlife can easily become crises for the marriage too .
5 A change to these routines would normally have implications for the database control sub-system .
6 Sky presenter Keith , 35 , chipped in : ‘ It will be nice to sort it out but it is more important if we can still remain friends for the rest of our lives . ’
7 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
8 It 's ironic that you should still make excuses for the fact that the band can play really well , yet there 's nothing here that ca n't be appreciated on the level of a blues number .
9 The Amphimaid will , as the name suggests , fit the Amphibious range of pumps , while you can also buy pre-filters for the upright type of submersible such as the Dab Nova .
10 He will also discuss plans for the mandatory repatriation of Vietnamese boat people .
11 It would be surprising if the remaining model areas did not also show gains for the soft modes .
12 Overseas , Wimpey Construction Management is carrying out fee-based technical and management services for the £200 million Colombo Centre project for Sonae Group in Lisbon , Portugal and will vigorously attempt to develop further this market in 1993 , a market which will also provide opportunities for the consultancy arm of GROVE PROJECTS .
13 The National Lottery will also provide funds for the preservation of our heritage .
14 Recording observations can also create problems for the ethnographer .
15 Commonly he will be looking for evidence of thrush or trichomonal infection , but may also take samples for the other organisms that are found in the vagina from time to time .
16 The ruling will also have implications for the company 's on-going war of attrition with AT&T Co .
17 Sands will also raise funds for the maternity ward at Darlington Memorial Hospital .
18 One can also imagine clubs for the ‘ healthy ’ that will demand proof of ‘ genetic fitness ’ .
19 Does my hon. Friend agree that voluntary groups and private providers can efficiently deliver services for the disabled ?
20 ( 7.5 ) we can now produce estimates for the equivalent puts : rounding to the nearest half-penny , 2p .
21 I certainly hope not , as this could well signal problems for the King of Major Championships .
22 At the same time the process of meeting and getting together does not simply afford times for the head or deputy to gain insights ; because everyone participates , everyone 's awareness is extended and engaged .
23 Variations across London often reflected the differential performance of the parties there at the last general election , and may well portend trends for the next .
24 Certainly , if it were true , it would readily enable explanations for the simultaneous presence of daily and ultradian rhythms in the adult and the switch from ultradian to daily rhythms during the months after birth ( see Chapter 7 ) .
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