Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Yet if you have dry hair you have to be careful to choose a shampoo that will effectively rid you of these nasties without stripping your hair of its natural oils .
2 It fears , and when it does not fear , it despises , non-conformity ; and if non-conformity must be allowed its say , it will gently rob it of all anger and all laughter , of all passion and all heartache , until it lacks both pith and point …
3 You should only consider it at all if you believe your marriage can continue .
4 So far as talking is concerned , they can only do it to each other .
5 I think we should perhaps provide you with some extra lessons . ’
6 She 'll only spend it on more booze and meths but I do n't care .
7 Or I 'd better provide you with some paper .
8 which you said it has , er you would perhaps recommend me to some people you know erm like the partner in your er your work or the members of your squash club .
9 ‘ You 'd better take me to this Wyrmberg of yours , had n't you ? ’
10 Be careful : if you were asked by the council to comment on the original application , it may only inform you of these new drawings if you specifically ask .
11 Looking down at the pathetic little body lying so still on the table , she said , ‘ I 'd better leave him like this for Dawn to see .
12 I think we 'd better leave it at that for the moment .
13 I 've got Mrs and I think we 'd better leave it at that .
14 better leave it at that had n't we ?
15 Well they thought they could only get it through both legislatures and the courts for women .
16 Yeah you could , you could perhaps get him on that , yes .
17 Fresh legislation would only drive it into some more objectionable form .
18 And therefore your brain was trying to naturally put it into some context but it did n't go into any context so it was difficult
19 But as I tried to follow his instructions , keeping my fists up and my chin tucked in and learning a new kind of dance on the balls of my feet , the sight of his bare , hairless chest , so brown and muscular , would suddenly fill me with more than muscular weakness , and I felt I would collapse , not under the playful blows he landed on my discombobulated body , but under the sheer spell of his magnificence .
20 I can only relieve them by this . ’
21 And working at the Shakespeare School of English does n't exactly hinder me in that direction .
22 But we do n't normally make it like that .
23 One could scarcely describe him as some kind of father-figure !
24 And instead of having a few puffs and , and saving and throwing two dog ends away you did n't see that , they 'd just break it in half and have half each .
25 I got a bit left over from when I cut it I 'll just bring it in this bit , there .
26 The tendency to translate English passive structures literally into a variety of target languages which either have no passive voice as such or which would normally use it with less frequency is often criticized by linguists and by those involved in training translators .
27 ‘ But now he claims that as he has found work independently , I can no longer employ him in this capacity . ’
28 ‘ We have a good working relationship ; let's just keep it at that , shall we ?
29 He could just see it in that box bedroom in Hill View Close , its eyes full of light like some weird toy .
30 Well I think we 've had this one before , John , have n't we ? would you care to just enlighten me on this one ?
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