Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pron] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Above all , they want a minister who , having taken a decision , does not constantly alter it every time some pressure is brought to bear .
2 That might be enough for Leicester might just give them the time .
3 We 're out there riding as hard as we can and if that gives any of the supporters any sort of er consolation , I do n't know if it does or not , but it — we 're really giving our best all the time and er win , lose or draw you 'll always find us every time we 've got a doing our best and er although often some people might shout and scream and give us a hard time , er it 's not for , for lack of trying , I mean nobody wants to finish last and er me even more than most , so just get behind us and shout and scream and we 'll try our hardest .
4 Once Clive was in the hypnotic state on this occasion , I asked him to visualize going up to someone he knew slightly , taking a few deep breaths and then asking them a simple question — ‘ Could you please tell me the time ? ’ or ‘ Do you know the way to such-and-such a street ? ’
5 I am doing the firm no harm by tipping you off like this because Kovacs recommends you to buy a clock from them that will not simply tell you the time .
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