Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] him [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While the shame of the public defamation felt by the typical Nazi lawyer was allegedly almost enough to drive him to suicide , reactions of astonishment , disbelief , anxiety , and criticism can be read between the lines of the responses from judges and the justice administration , and the most outspoken reaction was that the Führer had been badly misinformed and his ‘ wholly unexpected attack on justice ’ much ‘ discussed and criticized ’ .
2 And if I handle all with my own hands , and keep the prince clear of it — though he knows my mind , and it is his mind , too — I do so to preserve him from harassment by those who will hear of nothing less than Owen 's head on London Bridge .
3 Obviously , he sees Britain as the sweatshop of the world — he almost said as much — and , if we are unlucky enough to find him in office for more than a few more months , we may find ourselves taking the place previously occupied by the Soviet Union , as Upper Volta with rockets .
4 The painful blow was hard enough to knock him off balance , and he tucked in his right shoulder , hitting the ground in a flying break-fall .
5 Not bad enough , he judged , for him to stay in bed but bad enough to keep him at home .
6 This more dynamic model of natural relationships would become an integral part of Darwin 's thinking , but it was not by itself enough to convert him to evolutionism .
7 He thinks it 's because of the sausages that people do n't like him enough to ask him to tea ; but it is n't really .
8 She had him completely relaxed , and wallowing in her fellation , as she worked patiently to bring him to orgasm .
9 No well I was , I was just telling him something and I said I 'm not telling you till er ten thirty just to keep him in suspense .
10 However , his wife pointed out that Katy seemed no longer to approach him for attention — instead she had began to play by herself in very stereotyped and restricted ways .
11 Even Peter Thorneycroft , the veteran proto-monetarist of 1958 whom she had made Party Chairman , proved to be a ‘ one-nation ’ man at heart , and she was eventually to sack him in favour of a little-tried new favourite , Cecil Parkinson , the Paymaster-General .
12 Because Kate , for all her faults real and imagined , was the only person ever to take him at face value .
13 His father 's response was not only to stop sending him money but also to bar him from returning to Zimbala until he renounced his Socialist beliefs .
14 It was just — ’ She turned to face him more fully , curious now to see him in technicolour .
15 It was rumoured that Alam wanted Khomeini executed in 1963 but other religious leaders prevailed upon the Shah not even to put him on trial .
16 At school , the few masters who had noticed him at all had tried vaguely to direct him towards science .
17 By a curious twist of fate , it was precisely Nizan 's implacable opposition to fascism and his deep commitment to Republican France that were ultimately to place him in contradiction with the imperialist war thesis advocated by the Communist International a few months later .
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