Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] they [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Grey eyes swept the outfit which had caused her some qualms , but it was modest compared to Nicky Kai 's , the oyster-coloured chiffon shirt collarless and slit to a point between her breasts , loose enough to leave them a mystery only occasionally glimpsed when she moved , dark nipples a shadowy suggestion .
2 But enough to give them a week in Devon . ’
3 On the one hand , Parliament did not trust the police enough to give them the power they wanted and then let them get on with it .
4 At least , I was grateful enough to send them a copy of the thesis , but there is no evidence that they read it or found it useful .
5 Just to sell them a product without educating them to challenge and to care about the ingredients that go into those products would be wrong .
6 ‘ Move them all about , every few hours , just to give them a change ? ’
7 erm then erm what I 'll do I 'll pick it up next week and that will obviously show you a bit more about Abbey Life and any , any of your friends or anybody you think might , might like to look at the video erm you know just to give them an insight , people you mentioned erm to me that you perhaps know you 'd like to pass the video on to them to have a look erm and if er er you 've got my number and if you want to ring me then I can get some more videos if you think other people might be interested I 'm quite happy to pass them on , on to you as well , okay ?
8 And a call came over the radio that there was a problem with one of the pumps downstairs , so seeing I had nothing better to do at that time I went downstairs to give them a hand .
9 We launched this draw not only to encourage more people to enjoy ‘ old York ’ , but also to give them the opportunity to experience the excitement of New York . ’
10 The latter does not like what he sees : ‘ ‘ Young men ought to be brought here to give them a horror of debauchery' ’ exclaimed the worthy man , bursting with disgust . ’
11 It 's a full-time job ; in fact I 've just spent my leave there simply to give them a break for a few days . ’
12 After satisfying herself to that end , she rose presently to give them a chance to be together , and to allow Bishop Jon to awaken without embarrassment .
13 Were were would you suggest that they have a lot of unresolved feelings about that , or maybe they had emotional scars because no-one was there to give them the kind of hope that might be available now ?
14 ‘ My time was being taken up by people asking me either to find them a folly or a buyer for some extraordinary building , ’ says Gwyn .
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