Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Non-existent until about I should n't think there was an a bus did come to the bottom of Road , I ca n't remember what was , it must have been about nineteen twenty I suppose something like that , it used to go to the bottom of Road and turn round there , but I never er my mother always used to say you 'd ruin the trade , the trade down well I do n't believe it did really er now I think the lack of transport now you 've hit something there , lack of transport there encouraged people to shop in Green rather to go down the town cos you could get anything off Green you know , you just think you 'd ju you , you smiled about the er butcher 's shops , the grocer 's shops , the cake shops , you could get the gents , you could get anything on Green the ironmonger shop , you need n't go anywhere else but , when they started transport er yes I think the buses had quite a bit gradually cos things that , you do n't think get things happening in this country overnight I mean , they grow on you do n't they ?
2 A proposal that public money should be spent on a measure which is likely to aggravate this position ( the low birth rate ) by making contraception universally available on request and thereby to affect adversely the continuity of the state , is one which we feel we can not endorse .
3 One of their employees , a store manager , failed properly to carry out the system with the result that Radiant washing powder was advertised in the window at 2s. 11d. when in fact the only packets available in the shop were 3s. 11d. ( section 11(d) the Trade Descriptions Act which made this an offence has since been repealed and replaced by Part III of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 , see paragraph 16–28 below ) .
4 There should be time not only to carry out the patient care but also to discuss and evaluate it .
5 O'Neill 's minor reforms or , as Utley perceptively describes it , his ‘ government by gesture ’ i served only to politicize further the frustration of the Catholic population , without making it any more committed to the Northern Ireland state .
6 It 's small enough to carry on the hill , but the historical introductions get together to give a good potted history of the Golden Age of Alpinism .
7 In any case , no head is powerful enough to carry effectively the sort of responsibility that the management of the National Curriculum , in the context of the rest of the Act , will bring .
8 If you feel it will be difficult to stand back sufficiently to carry out the sorts of procedures we have discussed in this chapter , then it may be best to avoid them .
9 Sometimes the rainfall in winter is barely enough to cancel out the soil moisture deficit .
10 Better to stroll back the way she had come , then perhaps she would cross over the road and look in the souvenir shop .
11 The one that has n't been in fact to employ somebody particularly perhaps to go out the market theatre but this particular mark in time it 's been very difficult for a theatre to actually find twenty thousand this financial year in fact we had to find seventy thousand pound cuts , that was a very difficult exercise so the answer to your question is we accept that recommendation and as soon as the finance is available we intend to employ somebody to take on that task .
12 I did n't need to use any weights as the skeins were heavy enough to pull out the kinks .
13 Knotting on the matching pareo , she made a mental note to telephone them as soon as she collected her wits enough to work out the time in the UK .
14 You already know enough to work out the answer for yourself .
15 In the early 1970s , industry observers thought that IBM was strong enough to shake off the challenge from Japan .
16 It is difficult enough to find out the features that matter , even more difficult to assess them and almost impossible to see how they fit together .
17 Threading his way past the echoing warehouses , boarded shop fronts , and silent cafes , he returned to the concrete hut , only to find there the body of Philip Walton .
18 He chops hard through the chest cavity and reaches inside to pull out the heart .
19 It also demands that someone is skilled enough to set up the stylesheets in the first place unless you want to stick with the standard set provided by Xerox .
20 But just before this happens , while the taste of melancholy on his tongue is strong enough to set off the sweetness of the place , and of his freedom to enjoy it , but not yet strong enough to overpower it , he sees the woman who is gazing at him from the balustrade of a terrace looking down on the street .
21 They very kindly drop in shade cards and patterns for her and Mrs Critten has only to pick up the telephone and they are there to help .
22 Vendelin Gajdusek flicked one last look at her , leaving her with no idea whether he approved or disapproved , and , pausing only to pick up the dog 's lead , he went to the kitchen door with her .
23 Kendall never claimed , of course , that this method could ever be accurate enough to pinpoint where the archaeologist should sink his spade , but rather that it could help in choosing between a number of possible locations to which the search had been restricted on other grounds .
24 However , it is generally easy enough to sort out the ones that do and the ones that aim to provide police-based fantasy .
25 Mr Peter Bergg , the Liberal Democrat candidate , said Labour 's plans would not provide enough money quickly enough to sort out the country 's homelessness problems .
26 With the breakdown of the artificial barrier which has for too long divided an academic education from vocational one , there are opportunities for all — provided you 're intelligent enough to sort out the colleges from the universities from the polytechnics that is .
27 The Sensorites ’ combined power of illusion is great enough to swamp even the Doctor s deductive abilities .
28 This f is used only to detect when the algorithm has reached a summit or plateau .
29 I was able not only to point out the inconsistencies of the so-called ‘ voluntary agreements ’ but also to the confusion in the ranks of the tobacco industry .
30 The units are small enough to fill up the space almost as a liquid would fill it .
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