Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If she 'd been staying on the boat for any length of time it would have been necessary to find somewhere to go for a shower or a bath , but it did n't look as if that particular problem would arise .
2 They believed that it was necessary to combine the best in local community action and larger social concerns ; to bring the fragments of social and community action together , e.g. community groups , trade unions , women 's groups , etc. to work towards a vision of a new society based on a radical analysis of existing structures and the lessons and aspirations of the men and women attempting to create new structures at local level ; to stress objectives and content in education as well as methods and process .
3 She had encouraged him rather to work as a translator , this seemed to be a safer activity .
4 In America they would keep them in a home until they were old enough to go into a jail
5 Although it takes many years for a child to master the process of reading , once acquired , the skills are comprehensive and flexible enough to cope with a diversity of written material in a variety of fonts and formats ( including previously unknown ones such as unfamiliar handwriting ) .
6 However , once mastered , these skills are comprehensive and flexible enough to cope with a diversity of written material , in a variety of fonts and formats ( including previously unknown ones such as unfamiliar handwriting ) .
7 While most reggae DJs rapidly rise in popularity only to sink within a year , Shabba 's following has swelled over the past four years to a point where the reggae market is too small to contain him — witness the shooting and tear gas panic last year at the Brixton Academy , or January 's trashing of Tower Records , London , during a personal appearance .
8 He had only to go for a spin with Freddie Reynalde or spend half an hour too long in the pub for her shoulders to slump and her eyes to fill .
9 We had only to go for a walk through the empty streets and someone would appear in a doorway to invite us for dinner .
10 Do you feel well enough to sit in a chair ? ’
11 Did he ever come not merely to see as a possibility but actually to possess a conviction of what can be called the benign indifference of the universe ?
12 Eventually the little bus was summoned again , and we jumped in thankfully and set off towards the plane , only to grind to a halt at Operations again .
13 The minister 's entourage and assembled media swept into the narrow office building only to grind to a halt on the stairs while he and Mr Fallon shut themselves off for a brief chat .
14 Quinn had watched him from across the street , tending his exterior fruit-display or disappearing inside to attend to a customer .
15 You feel light enough to float on a cloud
16 While fitting the rear offside wheel back on to Miss Clinton 's car , Jenny 's daddy had been called away suddenly to see to a tractor that had broken down on Farmer Pullen 's farm .
17 For I have only to hear an opera discussed , I have only to sit in a theatre , hear the orchestra tuning their instruments — oh , I am quite beside myself at once .
18 I have n't been brave enough to write to a publication of any sort before , but it is one of my favourite pieces of music , and this is the greatest performance I 've ever heard ( and I mean of anything ) , so thanks for the opportunity .
19 He made an Open pass at the young man only to meet with a rebuff .
20 Cars had been seen dodging through the lay-by to avoid red lights , it was said , and the pedestrian refuge between the road and lay-by was not wide enough to stand with a pram .
21 She was ready for a dusk-to-dawn party , self-possessed and poised enough to appear in a hairspray commercial .
22 Unless you are fortunate enough to work for a company that recognises this need , there are basically two options available for that initial promotion .
23 Although these are specialised positions , each team member needs to be flexible enough to work in a number of projects in different areas .
24 ‘ Wet and cold 's quite enough to know in a lifetime full of fish ! ’
25 If you are like me , and feel hopelessly inadequate having toiled to the top of your favourite peak in what seemed to be ‘ the worst weather I 've seen for years , ’ only to come across a party equipped with jeans , trainers , and Tescos bags , then the Mourne Mountains are for you .
26 In the " proximity talks " the two leaders were brought together to work towards a framework agreement in line with UN Security Council Resolution 750 of April 1992 [ see p. 38873 ; for talks in June see p. 38980 ] .
27 She had made it halfway before deciding to come up for air , turning her face upwards as she broke the surface only to collide in a tangle of arms and legs , with a strong , masculine body .
28 The corruption of the security forces seems straight forward in the beginning , but as the plot unfolds , the facts of torture , a shoot-to-kill policy , and the silencing of information in Northern Ireland seems only to serve as a backdrop to the political intrigue .
29 Two days into the journey then met with torrential rain in northern Italy ; this was only to serve as a sign of things to come ; the icy roads and driving snow that faced them as they climbed the Alps !
30 Professional advice needs to be taken to check that the foundations under the playground are strong enough to serve as a vehicle park .
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