Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We moved around a lot , until we were old enough to go to boarding school .
2 You strike me as an intelligent young woman and I refuse to believe that you were silly enough to go to Mr Riddle with such proposals unless you were in a position to either bribe or threaten him . ’
3 So I mostly chose Uncle Bill because I thought the world of him , but I was cunning enough to go to Uncle Geordie 's about every fourth week .
4 A local dental surgeon , Mr. Williams , was kind enough to attend at Dr. Prior 's request and he administered the gas gratuitously .
5 It is hard enough to cope on invalidity benefits at the moment and any cuts or taxes will make life very difficult .
6 From the moment children leave the cosy nest of home , even if only to go to nursery school , parents lose the power to choose and control all their children 's friendships .
7 Should Alexei Sultanov find himself , in 40 years , all washed up , he will need only to go to Fort Worth to find all the tribute due to a Van Cliburn winner in the prime of life .
8 As he had lived alone before his stroke , he had to hire 24-hour nursing help , and a nurse accompanied him whenever he went out , which was initially only to attend for rehabilitation care .
9 He could make his friend laugh convulsively enough to fall off schoolroom chairs , and once even out of a hammock .
10 Workers who can be exposed to excessively cold weather conditions have not only to know about survival measures during over-exposure , but be able and willing to carry them out .
11 Systematists need not only to communicate with nature conservationists but also to appraise them .
12 I knew he could not be trusted , and I decided to tell Mr Jaggers that Orlick was not responsible enough to work for Miss Havisham .
13 Been in combat long enough to know about fall-back positions in case things go wrong . ’
14 Indeed , Mike Scott at Granada refused to meet us , simply refused at the beginning to meet us , and would agree only to talk to Jeremy Isaacs .
15 By this time the festival of Christmas had arrived , and both papal and royal courts joined together to celebrate in St Peter 's basilica .
16 The man who brought us hits Like Ferry Cross the Mersey and You 'll Never Walk Alone is on a nationwide tour , but stopped off just long enough to talk to Mike Rowbottom .
17 They were mixing and mingling , her guests ; the young were speaking to the old , men were speaking to women , Left was speaking to Right , art unto science , and only a few impossible old dullards of the financial world had drifted together to talk about pay comparability and public sector borrowing and the GNP .
18 It raised the more general and important question whether the determination of a statutory tribunal with a limited jurisdiction could give rise to issue estoppel at all , or only to cause of action estoppel ; in other words , whether it could give rise to an estoppel for all purposes or only for the limited purpose for which the jurisdiction to make the determination was conferred .
19 You had only to look at holiday romances , she told herself , or shipboard affairs , to know that unfamiliar surroundings and propinquity acted as a hothouse , a forcing ground for unrealistic situations .
20 She had only to look at Mrs Jebeau 's face to see it ; in fact , she could smell trouble in that direction .
21 Juan Bosch Gaviño , 82 , on March 15 told the Dominican Liberation Party ( PLD ) , which he had formed in 1973 after breaking from the Dominican Revolutionary Party ( PRD ) , that he had decided not only to resign as party leader but also to withdraw his party membership , because of the bitter fighting between the right and left wings of the party .
22 He arrived in Karaman only to hear of Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's death ; but , having met Molla Fenari , he went off with him to Egypt to study under Shaykh Akmal al-Din .
23 Section 6(2) contemplates restoration of what was received , or the value of it ; subsection ( 3 ) ( a ) and subsection ( 4 ) ( a ) contemplate restoration of the value surviving ; and subsection ( 3 ) ( b ) and subsection ( 4 ) ( b ) are wide enough to cover in principle compensation in respect of loss of an opportunity to make a profit .
24 This is what happens in the cases of textbook transmission that I referred to earlier : the teacher is required only to put into operation ideas which have already been realized as materials and is given no guidance in the evaluation of the validity of the principles on which the materials have been designed even when these principles are clear to the textbook writers themselves .
25 Even so , I thought on occasion there had been a loss ; nothing necessarily to do with oxygen starvation but just as a result of the experience , the shock of his cold journey , slipping away beneath the grey lid of ice ( and perhaps , I told myself in later years , it was only a loss of ignorance , a loss of folly , and so no bad thing ) .
26 TO READ PETER HOUNAM 's letter , you would think he had had little enough to do with Michael Murrin .
27 The internal mechanisms regulating relations between different enterprises and industries during the long post-war boom had less to do with price competition between enterprises and , in countries like the UK , more to do with state policies .
28 Empowerment enthusiasts say it is all to do with company culture and ensuring that employees are all fully conversant with the corporate goals and mission .
29 It 's all to do with Barbara Coleman and the provenance of the Durances , is n't it ?
30 The value of the principle repayment may be increased during the period of the loan , perhaps to coincide with rent reviews .
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