Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [pos pn] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lloyd 's is keen not only to increase its market share but to broaden its spread of risks .
2 Lloyd 's is keen not only to increase its market share but to broaden its spread of risks .
3 To remind you briefly about this decision — it was felt that at a time when the Society was under considerable pressure , not only to up-date its training structure but also to streamline administration , a Professional Affiliation Fee would benefit everyone .
4 CINDERELLA made it to the ball — and just often enough to avoid her tennis return from becoming a pantomime farce .
5 Far enough for the noise of the city to be a distant hum , near enough to hear its pulse beating .
6 That 's almost enough to do our garden path .
7 Tactics play a secondary role to board speed ; many a race is won by the sailor who is fast off the line and avoids dirty wind enough to use his speed advantage .
8 All of this information can then be easily organised and related together to form your family tree .
9 If he is to continue , he should now be taking different movements and linking them together to form his fighting style — a format of defence and attack that becomes second nature to him .
10 The community care and health services work together to give her husband day hospital care , planned breaks in a residential home and sitter services at home .
11 ‘ Ye gods , at this time of the day , my friend ? ’ he said , his portly form draped by a dark grey suit comfortable enough to give his portliness room to live and breathe .
12 But urban guerrillas do n't kidnap distinguished foreigners only to keep their exploit secret , hijackers can hardly help becoming news on the instant , and here there has been profound silence .
13 She rode light in the water despite the extra armour-plate around her bridge and forming fences amidships to protect her commando landing parties where they would crouch on her final run but she was carrying a minimum of fuel and water and her guns were gone except for a 12-pounder forward and oerlikons on the bridge wings .
14 She 'd slip away to the kitchen for tea and be washed and in her nightclothes for seven , just long enough to kiss her daddy goodnight .
15 If you have a ham stand , all well and good , otherwise invert a large plate and stand the ham on that ; it will raise the meat sufficiently to allow your carving knife to travel as required during slicing .
16 Always prone to bronchitis , he had a slight chestiness , but was well enough to have his birthday dinner out at a restaurant .
17 Her rent was ten pounds a week , and the babysitter cost a pound a day , which left three pounds to live on — just enough to pay her grocery bill .
18 Bliss turned on his heel and , pausing only to toss his cigarette end into one of the fire buckets , sauntered out of the hotel lobby .
19 Are the kitchen and utility room large enough to take your washing machine , dryer , freezer , refrigerator , etc ?
20 Our invaluable handbook , which otherwise retails at around £100 is included in membership — and members invariably find that knowledge gained via membership , be it from the Handbook , a seminar or fellow members , allows them annually to recover their membership subscription .
21 I hoped they 'd be distracted enough to ignore our getaway attempt .
22 It was nicely presented , moreover , and since I had n't taken any eating irons with me I am pleased to report that nobody asked me to cup my hands together to take my Cottage Pie a la Toulon ?
23 He followed her into the lift and she counted the floors , wanting only to close her bedroom door behind her .
24 But during the night the mice invaded their camp and gnawed through all the halters , saddle-girths , and reins , while the bears , foxes , and cats growled and howled around the outskirts of the camp with a sound fearful enough to make your blood run cold .
25 The trick is to push a dispute just far enough to make your opponent cave in for fear of a court action , but not so far that it goes to court .
26 , a delightful person , was my guardian angel for the first ten days of the tour , and was also good enough to rearrange my return journey from Hyderabad , so that I could get back in London in time for an appointment on 29 November .
27 Gardiner was then driven away to continue his life sentence at Gartree Prison in Leicestershire .
28 Just to see his silk dressing-gown hanging on the back of the door or his watch lying on the edge of the basin , stirred an unfathomable excitement in her .
29 The coroner turned away to refill his wine cup .
30 Later I heard that Irishmen outside Sligo nurtured suspicions that the Minister used the Finance of All Ireland just to favour his home town with a new bridge , a new hospital and other luxuries .
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