Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Very soon , soccer grounds became ‘ advertised ’ as somewhere where a good fight was guaranteed , hence their appeal to the ‘ rough ’ sections of society .
2 Cadmium , one of the most toxic metals known to man , should be used only where no satisfactory alternative exists .
3 Many lines were laid only where a considerable volume of traffic ( passenger and goods ) was assured .
4 Only where a significant source of pollution stops suddenly — a large factory closing down , a new sewage treatment works being opened — will a striking improvement in water quality be discernible .
5 Only where an exact copy is required is it important to have an exact match for timber .
6 Presumably it can be done only where the essential core of each subject is no greater than half the total ; or where the subjects overlap in some way ; or where students are prepared to do more than 100 per cent of the work .
7 In the case of a connected fund manager exempt status is relevant only where the sole reason for the connection is that the fund manager is controlled by , controls or is under the same control as a financial or other professional adviser ( including stockbrokers ) to the offeror or target company .
8 There is no power of arrest under the section , so that arrest is available only where the general arrest conditions of PACE are satisfied , or the disrupters are committing some other arrestable offence .
9 The common law doctrine of frustration applies only where the main purpose of the contract has become impossible to achieve , Herne Bay Steam Boat Co. v. Hutton ( 1903 C.A. ) .
10 The value of subcontracting out translation work raises questions of quality control , continuity , and speed of reaction ( especially where no in-house monitoring team exists , as in C2 ) .
11 Sexual jealousy may play a part in their reactions , especially where a new partner is brought into the home before marriage .
12 Cats have long memories , especially where a nasty shock is concerned , and may remember a bad experience of this kind for years afterwards .
13 In this context a clause limiting remedies — for example , excluding or limiting the retailer 's right to reject the goods , is probably more likely to be reasonable , than a wider clause excluding liability , especially where a total exclusion would have the effect of requiring the retailer to satisfy product liability claims arising where the goods prove defective due to the manufacturer 's negligence .
14 The above is , however , a generalisation and sales subsidiaries may require a larger investment than many companies can afford , especially where an after-sales service has to be offered and where the stocking of a large volume of spare parts is necessary .
15 This can be successful especially where an imaginative approach to development is adopted .
16 It must be borne in mind that the cost of an action in Court will be significant , especially where the principal sum is relatively insignificant .
17 This will be the case especially where the actual affidavit boasts of " highly placed sources " who can be summoned to verify the allegation .
18 This differential amounted to a direct incentive to takeovers by means of share exchange or the use of undistributed profits , especially where the acquired company possessed capital assets which were undervalued in its balance sheet .
19 The prefix ‘ hard ’ always set red lights flashing , especially where the numerical grade was untypically high for the adjectival one — HVS 5b 's like Praying Mantis , on Borrowdale 's Goat Crag , or in Northumberland , Hard Severe 4c .
20 They question the theoretical basis of this approach , arguing that not only might the driver treat this as a challenge to driving skill , but that in the trade off between caution and speed , the driver could equally strike a bargain on the side of risk , especially where the shared space is lengthy .
21 ‘ This was likely to have happened especially where the original charge was attempted rape .
22 ( c ) Profit share This is a matter which depends upon agreement with the continuing partners and may , eg where the new recruit is of some seniority , involve reductions in their shares .
23 Up to 30 victims could have died in a basement community centre directly below where the jumbo jet struck .
24 But at last there was a kind of to and fro between them , more like a tennis match perhaps than a genuine conversation , with words being patted back and forth , but Rose at least was grateful for it .
25 The Tory party was more loosely structured : there were tensions between the Highflyers and the more moderate wing that emerged under Anne , and which came to be led by Robert Harley , whilst even the High Church chieftains — the Earl of Rochester , the Earl of Nottingham , and Sir Edward Seymour — worked much less closely together than the Whig Junto .
26 In the same way , they took care to spend no more time together than the daily round of school life made appropriate , but the simple knowledge that there was now one person in the small , enclosed community who cared for him healed Richard 's wounded spirit .
27 So although a voluntary unanimity among participating citizens could certainly be regarded as an authentic expression of what all wanted as individuals , even that would not in itself ensure that the general good or the general interest was being realized .
28 So although a different totality might produce subjects who were neither exploiters nor exploited , such individuals can not be produced within capitalist societies .
29 So although the new machine contains less metal than its predecessor , if offers a high standard of construction .
30 The position for women is even less favourable so although the average length of employment in one firm is greater , few workers are able to recoup the earnings lost in earlier years of their career when wages are lower .
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