Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The much ampler statistics for Suffolk and Coventry bear out this superficial impression , besides underlining the primacy of the woollen textile industry .
2 In this situation the circulation was altered so that a cold polar vortex remained until the end of the simulation , thereby maintaining the presence of PSCs for a much longer period .
3 In Great Britain , and especially midlands England , the enclosure movement involved the use of Parliamentary Acts to alter the pattern of land ownership ( forcibly in many cases ) , thereby allowing the creation of a new pattern of farms and fields within which more productive ( and less labour intensive ) agricultural methods could be employed .
4 Duly completing the acknowledgement of service is recommended .
5 It was probably the success of these steps which , in 1337 , caused Philip VI to decide upon the building of a naval base at La Rochelle , a base which was to be ceded to the English by the terms of the treaty of Brétigny , thereby underlining the significance of ports as pawns in international diplomacy .
6 It is possible to reconstruct some of the clothing in part through the textile remains in graves , but mostly using the position of dress fasteners such as brooches and buckles ( Cook 1974 ; Bell 1981 ) .
7 Jones claimed to have good title by virtue of the two sections , thereby defeating the title of the owner from whom the thieves had stolen the car .
8 He goes so far as to claim that this form of control is now ‘ characteristic of the majority of enterprises in the USA and Britain ’ , thereby denying the predominance of the management control form .
9 But even in the teeth of a recession , companies large and small are successfully gaining the backing of the venture capital funds and paying them back handsomely .
10 Even in the teeth of a recession , companies large and small are successfully gaining the backing of the venture capital funds and paying them back handsomely
11 He seemed unaware that he was thereby announcing the demise of his own service , and indeed for at least some years entertained the illusion that he was not .
12 ( Edited by John Evans , available from focuses on the 150th anniversary of Canterbury Week with a short history of the festival , and an editorial criticising the TCCB for beginning Championship games on a Tuesday , thereby interfering the structure of such festival weeks .
13 Writing also provides a permanent representation , hence the writing may be manually edited , thereby simplifying the identification of false starts .
14 The Millbank paper-mill and its equipment were eventually offered for sale by auction in October 1804 , thereby ending the possibility of England challenging the European paper industry by using more easily available materials for making paper .
15 In that case Lord Denning argued that the Court of Appeal should issue guidelines similar to those of the House of Lords in the 1966 Practice Statement , thereby enabling the Court of Appeal to depart from its own previous decision where the decision was wrong ; in other circumstances it would hold itself bound by Young v. Bristol Aeroplane Co .
16 Over the last few years work has been carried out on using machine readable dictionaries as a source of linguistic knowledge ( Amsler , 1981 ) , ( Boguraev & Briscoe , 1987 ) — thereby enabling the production of a large vocabulary lexicon for considerably less effort than was previously required .
17 At first Folly had thought of reversing the roles , nervously picturing the arrival of a furious Luke , and the subsequent scene .
18 The spread of global issues is slowly opening the business of managing new share issues to outside competition — years after stockmarkets have been liberalised .
19 The penal code listed all criminal offences , thereby eliminating the position of Roman-Dutch criminal law as the residuary criminal law of the island .
20 He made a living by journalism , in the 1960s version of Grub Street eventually landing the job of drama critic for Town magazine .
21 She also notes ways in which installations , referencing and drawing upon the mass media and a range of other cultural sources , tend to bridge the gap between fine art and popular culture , thereby challenging the idea of the single fixed meaning and , indeed , conventional assumptions involved in the ‘ making sense ’ of visual imagery .
22 While not necessarily accepting the fatalism of this argument , it would be wrong to assume that the balance of power between the sexes can be changed simply by persuading more girls to take ‘ boys ’ subjects ' : the issue is clearly too complex to justify simplistic remedies .
23 Embarrassing as those moments were for me , I would not wish to imply that I in any way blame Mr Farraday , who is in no sense an unkind person ; he was , I am sure , merely enjoying the sort of bantering which in the United States , no doubt , is a sign of a good , friendly understanding between employer and employee , indulged in as a kind of affectionate sport .
24 By 1900 , imports had halved the cost of meat and bread , greatly assisting the diet of the working classes .
25 In 2 Timothy 2:15 , Paul emphasised the importance of ‘ rightly handling the word of truth ’ .
26 Not that many came on any sort of regular basis , much preferring the excitement of the streets to the acquisition of learning for which even the teacher herself , who had known far better days , considered they would have little use .
27 As the species which is most obviously shaping the future of planet Earth , humans need to examine the consequences of many current development strategies and urgently find solutions .
28 Twoflower was feverishly attaching the cage of subdued lizards to the picture box , which he had mounted on a tripod .
29 They act as though no sexy young woman has ever trod those cobbled streets before , although the nubile daughter of the drunken town bully ( Peter Vaughan ) walks around in the mini-est of mini-skirts especially catching the eye of the long-haired village idiot ( David Warner ) , who has already molested young girls .
30 ‘ We were both trapped , you once said , ’ she reminded him helplessly , with some idea of comforting him , or perhaps easing the process of rationalisation and self-forgiveness he was inevitably going to have to endure .
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