Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] to their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The foresters , both riding and walking , and their pages take for a cart two , three or four shillings , from some more and from others less according to their means , and for a pack-horse twelve , sixteen or eighteen pence , to raise their fine which they have made with the warden for their appointment ; this to the great destruction of the King 's forest and the grievance of those who have woods in the forest , for they suffer the carriers to go quit all through the year without attachment , and yet the King has no profit …
2 The user is intended to behave exactly according to their instruction .
3 They are just demonstrating to their wives and girlfriends what good Europeans they are .
4 However , local authorities have had a duty , since 1968 , to provide adequate sites for gipsies normally resorting to their area and , where they have done so to the satisfaction of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment , they have criminal powers to remove illegal campers .
5 And it was presumably owing to their encouragement that in the 1540s Crecquillon began to compose chansons and Clemens and Gombert increased their production from a trickle to a flood .
6 In at least one study transformed cells harbouring mutant p53 and ras genes were capable of growing in syngeneic laboratory animals , eventually leading to their death .
7 So they 're still , they were still keeping to their aims of achieving greater equality , it was just not absolute equality egalitarianism .
8 In such circumstances , the counsellor is acting on behalf of the counsellees rather than directly according to their wishes .
9 Davidoff et al have shown that the Beau Ideal was underpinned by a morality of mutual duty and service , although the benefits and freedom which each participant drew from such an arrangement varied directly according to their position in the hierarchy .
10 And it can get awkward when people take things too Literally — you say , ‘ Hello , how are you ? ’ and twenty minutes later you 're still listening to their philosophy of life .
11 And cer the determination of the women , that we were n't gon na be starved back to work , we were n't gon na be forced back to work , we were n't just gon na end in chaos and some of us going back and some of us staying out , I think it was the women possibly talking to their husbands or , and just reassuring each other , you know that helped us no end .
12 Corbett struggled to his feet and stared around the hall where the rest of the sleepers there were slowly rising to their feet , some nursing sore heads , others bawling for wine and food .
13 The law ought , in my opinion , to give relief if satisfied that consent was truly lacking but will require of signers even in this class that they act responsibly and carefully according to their circumstances in putting their signature to legal documents .
14 Risks are perceived differently according to their scale and nature , and not by simply multiplying the frequency and consequences .
15 Children will react differently according to their age , their personality , the relationship they have ( or had ) with both their parents , the presence or absence of brothers and sisters , aunts and uncles , grandparents or other significant people in their life ( Mitchell , 1985 ; Wallerstein and Kelly , 1980 ) .
16 The infantry detailed to guard them let off only a couple of volleys before also taking to their heels .
17 Periodically they would devote an entire day to a communal fast , praying , reading aloud from the Bible , attending several sermons , and sharing a simple communal meal in the evening before returning to their homes .
18 Two men who had come in to quaff down great glasses of cidre were now returning to their scythes in a field opposite , to join a line of sodden reapers there .
19 One way of summarizing the results of European economic progress before 1914 is to group nations roughly according to their increase in wealth .
20 Companies which looked inwards to Whitehall are now listening to their customers and shareholders .
21 As with the shares of any quoted company , prices can vary quite substantially according to their supply and demand , which in turn can be determined by a variety of market factors .
22 And there 's a fascinating article in this , the current edition , the January edition it is now , because they go so far in advance , of She magazine , which says that er , it 's a desperate plight sometimes , when you have people coming for Christmas who fall into several categories like lazy slobs , who do absolutely nothing , and misers , who turn up with a stale box of chocolates , and never take you out for a meal in return for your hospitality , and the amorous couples who er , embarrass you by er , er , noisily retiring to their bedroom , if I may put it that way , and then the guests who turn up in mid-row , and bicker systematically over the whole of the festive period .
23 STILL admirably sticking to their principles , the Hernandez Brothers recently turned down a very large sum from Warner Brothers for the rights to make a film of the Love And Rockets comic .
24 Jennie preferred to stay and supervise ; she was always backstage seeing to their make-up :
25 The Begum family had rung a pizza delivery service three times on Saturday night when it was late delivering to their home in Heelands in Milton Keynes .
26 Neither returning to their villages nor joining the Government 's resettlement scheme in the outer islands appeals .
27 However , when Bob was nine-years-old , the Fitzsimmons family cut their ties with Britain and moved to Lyttelton , New Zealand — never returning to their homeland .
28 There are relatively few issues to do with school self-evaluation in respect of which teachers differ significantly according to their gender .
29 The first views a wealth tax as in paragraphs 1 or 2 , as a way of capturing income , with the object under this heading being to reduce the feedback effect of large wealth holders enjoying higher incomes and therefore adding to their wealth by saving .
30 Would have difficulty pro possibly in actually getting to their flat .
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