Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 However , there were a few outliers with values of over 0.4% , and so marking to the market occasionally had an important effect on arbitrage profits .
32 Eliot 's practice , as his remarks just quoted make clear , was always ‘ freed ’ verse : verse freed indeed from the constraints of traditional prosody , yet rather constantly recalling to the reader 's ear one of the traditional patterns it was departing from .
33 Quite apart from the side-effects of pharmaceutical drugs , which seem to be reported with increasing frequency these days , it may well turn out that such therapies have the less obvious effect of further imbalancing the body 's mechanisms , so adding to the burden of chronic ill-health .
34 The people in tighter financial circumstances get higher cost credit — with the extra cost of credit obviously adding to the tightness of their circumstances .
35 Although many go unrecognized , stray finds are more commonly discovered than sites , and every one is potentially important , adding to archaeological evidence , and perhaps leading to the discovery of a new site .
36 Such a move would have been legitimate if it had offered the possibility of new kinds of experimental tests , perhaps leading to the discovery of some unexpected feature of the earth 's atmosphere .
37 Spokesman Sylvia Rigby said : ‘ They seem to think we are only objecting to the level of the charge but we are against it all together . ’
38 As such it is neater than the confusion presented by a reality which can be seen as not belonging to the self ; or as perhaps belonging to the self ; or as , if belonging to the self , equally incapable of assimilation by it or separation from it .
39 The bank depreciates its PCs over five years , giving the IT department greater incentive to reallocate rather than junk older PCs , perhaps pointing to the role of the accountant in determining a modular policy .
40 He would constantly talk about it , constantly running to the doctor . ’
41 And this week , when he rebuked the ‘ adulterers in public life ’ — apparently alluding to the behaviour of Government ministers and the Royal Family — his aides in Lambeth Palace immediately tried to defuse the effect of his speech .
42 [ 6,7 ] They naturally concentrate on older children who begin to use words but who need translators and guides so that their words and behaviour are understood by adults and so that the actions of well-intentioned doctors and nurses can be made less threatening to the child .
43 The United States cases are in one sense less threatening to the policy of the Convention , in that typically they do involve the actual delivery of the relevant document rather than some notional equivalent such as publication at the courthouse door .
44 She had been unable to concentrate on her reading , her mind constantly straying to the conversation she had had with him in the rose gardens .
45 But , they do seem to stress the way the changes in democratic practices were merely responding to the need to adapt the US model to Japanese values as though there were a collectively agreed set of values to call upon .
46 We are constantly talking to the press try and persuade them to give us more coverage .
47 The ‘ social optimality ’ approach can be refined to deal with the problem without necessarily resorting to the conclusion that ‘ self-interest ’ on the part of politicians and bureaucrats is proven .
48 I undressed her in her South Kensington hotel room and fucked her , only retreating to the safety of the street outside when she asked me to stay the night so that she could pretend to be my mother .
49 Apparently responding to the suggestion of a conservative shift in his policies , however , Gorbachev during the last engagement of his Byelorussian tour on Feb. 28 told a meeting in Mogilev that a centrist political coalition , avoiding the extreme positions of both radicals and hardliners , was needed to resolve the country 's problems .
50 The Chair is obviously referring to the fact recently in the courts , there was consideration of the closure of old persons ' homes , and you know that you are under a legal requirement to consult in respect of those otherwise any decision , to close without consultation can held to be invalid , and that has impinged on some authorities who were going down that route , so there is a duty there .
51 At the top end there are the programs that seek to reproduce the environment found within a traditional art studio ; PageMaker , XPress and the now defunct Harvard Professional Publisher most closely fit this category , while products such as Ventura seek to provide the same typographic quality through a stylesheet and coded tags so appealing to the business user who needs an easily produced document which follows a common format .
52 The first three kinds of honorific were clearly distinguished by Comrie ( 1976b ) , who pointed out that traditional descriptions have often confused ( i ) and ( ii ) : the distinction is that in ( i ) respect can only be conveyed by referring to the " target " of the respect , whereas in ( ii ) it can be conveyed without necessarily referring to the target .
53 Such discussions not only take an inordinate amount of time ( a subtle form of disobedience ) , but they are subversive because they are so rewarding to the child .
54 I said walkers should make a courtesy check with estates when doing a specific trek in Wester Ross , but I was only referring to the peak of the stalking period — mid-August to mid October — and not the whole year . ,
55 Typical lengths are between 100 and 200 metres whilst widths vary quite widely according to the number of racks and cranes in the system .
56 There will be no compromise between safety and commercial motivation , but occasionally the divulging of information might be commercially damaging to the business involved .
57 The police say the the Baroness was dealt with properly according to the law .
58 Indeed , the company is just drawing to the end of a five- year £150 million capital investment programme .
59 In this one episode we find interconnections with race , class , colonialism , and ( cultural ) imperialism , and in ironic , domestic , tragically intricate ways : witness Gide finally capitulating to the class , racial , and cultural prejudices of his own culture , as voiced through his mother , who in turn speaks through her servant .
60 ( 2 ) Granting the application , that the central objective of the category of public interest immunity involved was the maintenance of an honourable , disciplined , law-abiding and uncorrupt police force ; that therefore , in view of the public disquiet understandably aroused by proven malpractice of some members of the disbanded West Midlands Serious Crime Squad , and of the extensive publicity already attaching to the authority 's documents following B. 's successful appeal , it could not be said that those who had co-operated in the authority 's investigation would regret that co-operation , or that future generations of potential witnesses would withhold it , if the court were to release the documents to the applicants to enable them to defeat if they could an allegedly corrupt claim in damages ; that the imperative public interest in the case was that the applicants had a proper opportunity of obtaining the evidence they sought so that the grave allegations which they made , and were the same allegations that had troubled the Court of Appeal sufficiently to allow B. 's appeal , could be properly tested in the courts ; and that , accordingly , B. 's undertaking would be varied to allow him to hand over to the applicants those of the authority 's documents which were incorporated in his appeal bundle , the applicants for their part undertaking to use those documents only for the purposes of defending the present libel proceedings pursued against them ( post , pp. 927G — 928A , B ) .
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