Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [pers pn] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was just keeping it for wee Jonathan .
2 At A level , I toyed with the idea of doing physics , maths and English , and if I was just doing it for pure enjoyment I would have done it at that stage .
3 Well I think it 's only if you want to do er you know like doing it for some , something or other is n't it ?
4 MUSICIANS from a Merseyside orchestra are really knocking 'em for six .
5 Tim Waterstone declined to expound on the decision , beyond saying that Waterstones had withdrawn from the concession for commercial reasons and was now re-entering it for commercial reasons .
6 I can think of a dozen men of much more recent notoriety if she was simply inventing it for some cranky reason of her own .
7 As a result , car-based development policies have tended to reduce the freedom of choice and quality of life of this still numerically significant section of the population , while dramatically increasing them for that section with regular access to a car .
8 Sorry if you take catty as the para now , then D P are n't actually , the reason D P sent the paper questionnaire is to just double check that all the columns and everything are laid out in the correct way are n't they and then checking it for that reason , whereas they are actually doing it on something like Kathy themselves so they , there is n't the same approval going on .
9 If your chosen exercise has a value of five or more , then practising it for twenty minutes , three times a week , should be sufficient to maintain a level of basic fitness .
10 An aggressive mob of youngsters had been closely dogging us for some time and , emboldened by our apparent failure to notice them or to quicken our pace , had begun throwing stones .
11 My grandfather saying that everything was going downhill , my grandmother talking of progress , but neither expecting it for that year or the next , they did n't dream of real change , not in their lifetime nor their children 's .
12 At the end of this term , the Ayton School choir goes to Coventry Cathedral and Mr Essex , who will sing there with them , is currently rehearsing them for this occasion .
13 It would be possible to suppose , for instance , that the true Schrödinger-like equation , whatever it is , involves non-linearities which enforce a violation of the superposition principle for very complex systems , whilst essentially preserving it for simple systems to which we have actually applied quantum mechanics .
14 Indeed , she had been half expecting it for some time now .
15 In order to help us I think in our discussions , it seems to me that , I think we ought to write formally to the County Council and to the District Council actually asking them for more details of their consideration for what they intend to do about parishes .
16 So they they 're actually asking us for five hundred and ninety five pounds .
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